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Month: April 2009

Just Like That

Just Like That

I was already excited about the ‘Maggi’ thing, to add to my excitement, I received a call from this person, “mam, there is a courier for you, can you please come and collect it”I called the reception ’99’, “Hey Poonam( receptionist, sweet girl), can you give me a tinkle when you get my courier”. Couple of minutes later, I called her (impatient!), “Hello mam, I was just about to call you, anything special? You have a bouquet waiting for you…

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Me and Meri Maggi -II

Me and Meri Maggi -II

At 3 pm today , I received a mail from “Thank you for submitting your MAGGI experience which you can now view at To share it with your friends, simply forward this link.We will get back to you if your entry is selected“ That’s exciting, could it be just possible, by just some strike of luck, we may be on TV? Well, I shouldn’t be too excited,I just uploaded the pic and wrote the story, that made them…

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The Road Less Travelled

The Road Less Travelled

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves…

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Me & Meri Maggi

Me & Meri Maggi

The other day Anvita and I got chatting (as usual) and she happened to share one of her maggi experiences. With the latest me & meri maggi doing the rounds on TV, i uploaded her story, here it is, as narrated to me. Fingers(toes) crossed!! “My story goes back to 2003 when I had just arrived in Banaglore from Raibareli,back then I did quite some part time event/promotional jobs. Swati,a friend, and I got late one day, by the time…

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A Sweet Gesture

A Sweet Gesture

I wanted to write about this the same day! Here it is a week later. The other day, someone happened to read my blog.I have been using this space to brood over his absence, bask in my achievement and just rant about life and all.Today,I am going to share a very sweet experience that came my way all because of this blogging. I am not a very friendly person in the first meeting, I take time to know, share and…

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This story belongs to him and his better half . While I choose to just highlight one of the many humans emotions that we all experience in this story. Fiction or Truth. You decide.Girlfriend always complained of , how he didn’t have too many friends and how other couples just couldn’t get enough of their friend circle and all the fun things they did! They had fun alright, and there was never a dull weekend, but then there was always…

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I have a very interesting story to tell. While this belongs to a very sweet girl and her experience one night.I’ll try to stick to the truth for most of the part,thoda masala tho baanta hai ;). One late evening, working her ass of in office, she wondered how long before she could get home and enjoy the warmth of her bed. This had been the story for few weeks now, and with weekend coming it didn’t seem fair that…

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@ life w/o him!

@ life w/o him!

It is 2 weeks since I last saw him. Its been emotional, different,difficult, tiring and 2 weeks of discovery. Discovery 1. The more I am driving, the more I am getting confident at doing this and at perfecting reverse! I managed a neat parking on this real tight for space,place at my friend’s house.So what if I took 15 mins to do it, the end result was satisfying. 2. Shopping all by myself! Didn’t think in my wildest dreams that…

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