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Month: June 2009

Rain ‘N’ Kite

Rain ‘N’ Kite

1. Few weeks ago, it was raining cats and dogs.I left office in hurry,to avoid the rain and the traffic that gets worse with rain. Reached home, dry. Aunty was sitting in the veranda, enjoying the rain.Left the keys on the key stand ,and joined her to enjoy the rain, from far. As soon as I stepped into veranda, something got into me. I just stepped into the rain! Now that I was wet, thought “Ab itne gile ho gaye…

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Do min baad

Do min baad

He kept checking his messenger, the status was still idle. It was half past 11, manager had already hovered around his desk and caught him staring at the messenger,twice!! He couldn’t concentrate, the status should have changed to ‘available’ at 10! . Should I give a call and check? Na, why should I ?and what am I supposed to say? Hi, I was wondering why you weren’t online? Yeah rite! and make a fool of myself. talking to himself, something…

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Weekend Updates

Weekend Updates

*I got my toes painted red. Aunty (Roomie’s mom) tells me “Dhulaan jaise laag rahe hai”(he he he). Its really bright. I have decided to keep it(just for a week),its so distracting, every time I walked up/down the stairs today I caught myself admiring my feet LOL! *Bought a perfume( 3k for just 50ml) this weekend. I have a fetish for perfumes. I love them on myself. I dont think twice before picking one, recent favorite was Femme(Hugo Boss).Normally finish…

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I promise I’ll be good!

I promise I’ll be good!

I have gone from short to shorter, my last attempt(s)! Not long ago, there was a girl.She had beautiful,long,thick hair.Her mom on her b’day or otherwise used to make 18 plaits.With a french cut and 18 plaits, she sported the boderek look.Briaided hair, open hair, ponytails( high,low, side) french knot.You name it, and her mom tired all on her! She had the hair and she could flaunt any style. Then one summer holiday, in Belgaum at her naani’s place ,…

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Nikita(Niki),Rohit,Aaakash (Aki) and their families Nikita and Rohit were going steady for more than a year now. Nikita a maharastrian and Rohit a tamilian bhramin first met in Reading UK, Nikita was pursuing her post graduation in literature then, Rohit was there with his cadre. Commoder Iyer always wanted his son’s to join the armed forces. Rohit the youngest of 3 brothers, loved the uniform, the life and joined Army soon after his 12th. It was during his second year…

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Pooja aka Sony

Pooja aka Sony

“You can write about this guy with messy desk and not about your sis who you have know since her birth!” Please meet my li’ll sister Pooja. I have finally given into her coaxing. She is a typical Pisces, super moody , loves to dress up,would rather spend on loved ones than herself, cries at drop of a hat,sensitive, caring and a very beautiful person at heart. She has transformed from this tomboy into a pretty young woman. She suddenly…

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