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Month: July 2009

Happiest Moment

Happiest Moment

I have not been lazy, just that my routine has sort of changed and by the time I am home, I am too tired to write one. Earlier, rushed to home by 5,but now, I am home by 7-8ish.By the time I decide to start writing its very late and am very sleepy! like right now, i can barely keep my eyes open!! I am making an sincere effort to get back to writing everyday.I’ll keep this one short. The…

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English, will, hardwork!

English, will, hardwork!

I want to write, but then its one of those days when I just cant put my mind to it.There are so many things that are running thro’ but when I try to pen them down,I loose the thought. Off late, I haven’t been reading much either, and this includes newspaper too. I scramble thro’ the front page, and skip all that is in between and finally only read the editorial section.Then I grab Bangalore mirror( its truly not worth…

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The story of my Car & the Bus

The story of my Car & the Bus

I have been traveling in the bus for a week now( This is a big thing for me, read on). Well, last week when Saurabh was around, we sort of met with an accident, the good thing is no one was hurt except our car(tears, it was sad sight!).Things happen, sometimes you just don’t have control over them, though for the first 10 mins we kinda blamed each other(we were sad! specially him)once we dropped it at the garage, both…

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Women love shopping.Try as hard as we may, the temptation is soo stong, that we are pulled right back to it.It’s something, we just cannot see ourselves,not doing LOL!For us, Shopping is pretty much like our best friend, we can trust it to give us company, keep us occupied for hours together, keep us happy and pep us up when we are sad , just that, we gotta spend tiny miny(Ok, sometime a li’ll more than tiny miny)of money(but it’s…

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Am I taking it well?

Am I taking it well?

Alright in 2 days, i have had two people tell me, you really have handled the distance well. I haven’t been sad, brooding or crying about this for good some time now,guess its showing on me 🙂 There are days, when ,I just miss not having him around.But, yes from what it was like 3 months ago, things have been better. For one, i have started looking beyond the distance. Two, I have been really trying to connect with lot…

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Looks Matter ?

Looks Matter ?

Today someone asked me ‘How important are looks?’. I knew why he asked me that(though he didn’t say it out loud).I am not an expert with relationships or otherwise, I just know that, when you feel it in your heart, you know it’s right, it’s meant to be Looks matter! but you decide to what extent. It solely depends on you, are you in for a relationship or are you just in for fun.If it’s fun, then always go for…

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Age matters?

Age matters?

When you are in school,your friends are limited to same age group, back then anyone who is even a year older becomes bhaiya or didi , and you soo totally respect them(or hate them for being one!).Then you get into college, and there, the older ones, are now your seniors. Slowly , you start interacting with people ,out of the obvious age group circle, you start looking for like minded people, though, even in college the bhaivya,didi tag kinda stays,…

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Damn C and X

Damn C and X

This morning while working on QTP, i had a doubt.I opened our internal communicator, and double clicked on my male colleague’s name, who, i knew would be able to help me and then I typed “Hi, Can you please come here for a Sex“ That’s right!! Can you believe it? DAMN the keyboard, Damn the headphones( I was listening to loud music!), bloody C and X that are placed next to each other (QWERTY Keyboard). I wanted to tear that…

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This, is officially the most romantic season of the year. Mausam saath ho aur aankhoon mein pyaar ho,phir dekho kaise nahi paathi hai laadki. The weather is sooo beautiful, its that time of the year when you sooo miss having someone(if not already have one or like in my case is not with u!) to romance with.Hindi mein kahate hai na ‘katilna mausum! Haye sirf woh saath hote tho maaza aa jata’ Been watching romantic movies for two days now,…

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He is mine

He is mine

“Can you have feelings for two people at the same time?”Aahana was surprised, a guy who was always so confident about every decision he took, was suddenly so helpless.Staring at sky ,running his fingers over and over his hair, Ankit looked like the little boy who had just lost his puppy. Aahana, his best buddy since sixth grade, had nodded her head in approval when he showed her the diamond ring for Megha.She and Ankit were soul mates, just not…

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“BJN” fixation

“BJN” fixation

“where are we headed this weekend?” Supriya asked. It had been a long time since the two of had been out, alone. “how about Copper Chimney? Haven’t been there for a long time!!” Shekar was food lover, in true sense. There wasn’t a single restaurant in city that he hadn’t visited, no cuisine that he hadn’t tried. Married to his childhood sweetheart,Shekar was looking forward to the weekend.Life had been busy for last four months. With relatives, friends, family pouring…

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