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Month: September 2009

Second chance?

Second chance?

Do you believe in second chances? In giving one, and getting one? We are not perfect, sometimes however hard one tries, there are somethings that are left unsaid, words that you wish you had shared, expressed yourself, done that one right thing. Some do get their second chance in life and some just don’t.Some deserve, some don’t.Some screw up again, some sleep over it.

Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick. have I lost the will to write? This is one thing that I have enjoyed doing after a very long time, but off late I have been failing to put my thoughts into words! That’s it? I have lost my streak? Hell NO.I guess all the holidaying and working from home, have pushed the writers cells into hibernation.They refuse to work,they refuse to co-operate, they are all nestled into their cozy world, one would pick aisho…

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