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Month: January 2010

3 idiots

3 idiots

3 idiots! Well, most of us would agree that its a brilliant movie,so when I got an offer to watch it the third time! I didn’t even bat my eyelids before saying Yes! It was the part of b’day treat with the evening winding up in dinner.Needn’t have to say,it was the delightful company of the two that made it so wonderful(Duh! I have to, before I can mention the actual thing)!If I had to a pick a moment in…

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Divya celebrated her b’day today! ‘Happy B’day Divya :)’. We had a long day, fun and filling. We started off hogging on samosa’s at 12am and the saga continued till 4pm! The highlight of day apart from her b’day, was the cake I baked for her! I know, I have been bragging about it all day to everyone I know, but you know what ‘I am gonna keep doing that for a long time’ he he he. Anvita (She is…

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Don’t ask me what I am getting at! I don’t know either he he . I just picked pieces from my unpublished posts, and here I am posting them in one single post! So if you are looking for some logical flow,anything that makes sense, you are going to be seriously disappointed! In life not everything has a straight answer, not everything can be black or white, or like most software engineers would say 0 or 1.While we try and…

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Is it possible?

Is it possible?

Is it possible? The one with whom you could talk about anything under the sky , suddenly having a conversation, sharing a few words seems like a burden? How does one deal with it? Why does it happen? Why does it reach this point? What do you do when your trust is shaken? your belief is questioned?



Over a glass of cold coffee, we had a wonderful time, while I was ranting about stuff, he started off with the word. Imbalance.I found it hard to refute to his views, mostly because I didn’t want to. Just one of those days, when you just want to hear someone out. Just listen. Comprise,adjustment tend to lead to imbalance in an relationship (read a woman and man).When one tends to make adjustments, followed by another and yet another, it reaches…

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Happy New Year! Or not! Whatever suits you! I mean what really is so “Happy” about the new year? Seriously, think about it, I am going to be like , forget it! , matlab haar saal! Ek tho saal aaye jab umaar na baade he he he. Ok, fine! I am gonna stop sulking, Happy ji Happy. Spent new years as have been for past so many years in B with Ma(Pa is out sailing!) and the usual gang of…

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