A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing happened today. One of the girl who sits in the cubicle next to mine, was leaving HP today( She was here for a project from Mphasis). I must’ve spoken to her, say 4, at the max 5 times in last two months or so. She sits just next to me, but the after initial lunch meetings, I don’t really remember walking up to her and making an conversation. It was never more the customary hellos,hi!

Today while I was rushing to meet Liz and Jayant, she stopped me on the way.

‘Hi Anusha, today is my last day here, I will be reporting to Mphasis from tomorrow’
‘Thats nice, keep in touch’ smiling, not having much to say, I turned, only to realize , she was stilling holding my hand,
‘Keep smiling always!You are always so lively, I don’t know how you do it? I try to be like you, but I just cant, I wanted to learn a tip or two from you…..’. She let go of my hand and left.
I did manage to say a word or two ‘oh,thank you’ I didn’t expect it! I was taken aback. Honestly. I just didn’t know what to say!

I rushed to meet the folks,, usual tea scene, I fight with him, she is listening to me, I am bragging! OMG. Anyways, it was not until a few minutes ago that I remembered. and guess what, I have smile pasted on my face.

I don’t want to ruin it. I am not gonna analyze it!

A very sweet strange thing that happened today.:)

Of course, there was another reason to smile. Liz gifted me this pretty kruta, JLT. Can you believe it? What a day huh :D!.I haven’t been writing much off late, but I have to tell you this, I have been having a gala time with Liz.(Knock on the wood!) Sometimes, its better not to pen it down, its a beautiful feeling. Touch wood

Rem’m the post . Well, we are not friends! We are enemies! Oh Boy! You have no clue! do we fight or what LOL. I dont think we have had a conversation in last 2 months where I haven’t ended up using the sentence ‘I hate you’ he he he. (Sssh! He is not supposed know this, I love this thing between us,and thats why I unconsciously I end up fighting! Its sooo much fun this way!)

Its soo easy being yourself with them, no pretense, no natak bus thoda gossip, thodi laadai aur bahut saari chai 🙂

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