About Me

About Me

Welcome to my space Random Yet Not Random. This is my safe space, where I use the magic of words to talk about little-big-things.

I started blogging in 2009 when my husband was away pursuing his MBA in Calcutta while I stayed back in Bangalore. The days were spent in the office and my evenings blogging about my day. Before I knew I had fallen in love with blogging.

Hi ! I am Anusha, the proud owner of this blog. I was working in a multinational company for over 10 years when I took a break from work to spend time with my first born- Ms. V.

Soon we moved to Seattle where I had my second born Ms. N.

I forgot all about this space once I became a mother, until recently when my dear friends reminded me of how much I enjoyed writing!

I have come back, the times have changed, so have my posts. As for the name RandomYetNotRandom, I choose it on a whim. I had no idea that it would stick with me forever.

My girls are the gravity that keeps me grounded when going gets tough. You will read many posts about our daily escapades and some days if I am inspired enough, you will find review of a place/book or my favorite series.

I am a freelance content writer, who along not only will gives you SEO content for your website/post but also helps out with website UI testing. If you are small business and are looking for someone who can provide you content that will drive organic traffic to your site . Look no further.

Need to get in touch? Just send me an email at chikodianusha@gmail.com and we will take it from there.

Enjoy reading.

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