Age matters?

Age matters?

When you are in school,your friends are limited to same age group, back then anyone who is even a year older becomes bhaiya or didi , and you soo totally respect them(or hate them for being one!).Then you get into college, and there, the older ones, are now your seniors. Slowly , you start interacting with people ,out of the obvious age group circle, you start looking for like minded people, though, even in college the bhaivya,didi tag kinda stays, not as strong as when we were kids, but the presence is still felt. And then when you enter your professional life, suddenly you are addressing everyone by their first names, be it someone is who just few years older or 40 years older than you (I speak for IT).There is no bhaiya, no didi, everyone is X or Y!( not as male or female he he he!!You know what I mean right? :))

In your wildest dreams, as kids or teenagers you never ever actually comprehend that someone older than you, can even come closer to being a friend!

I met this someone in office, now if you go by the experience he has, there is an definite age difference, but then when I talk to him, why don’t I feel it? I so categorize people based on their age, unconsciously, and in doing that I end up building this space between me and them. But with this someone, I feel like I am talking to just this guy who cant be more than a year or two older than I!

Talking to him is soo effortless. After conversing with him, while I am headed home, sometimes I ended up wondering, did I just have this conversation with this person? Wow!! and I thought that I could only share these thoughts with people of my generation!

This makes me realize that age doesn’t matter when it comes to making a friend, having a conversation! You can find a friend/companion in someone who is just about your age, couple years older or probably even much much older than you, as long as your wavelength matches, and you enjoy having an conversation with this person, nothing else really matters.

Here is a thing, next time you meet someone, and kinda like talking to that person, than continue to do so,don’t let this inherent feeling, (that somehow we all have) that he/she is older than me and can’t really get it! You’ll be surprised that they probably got it even before you uttered those words :)!

Wow, and all this realization because I am suddenly, no longer, as young as, I was like, 5 years ago LOL!! So, while age gets along with it, its share of maturity, patience, understanding, it invariably makes you feel old too!!

I am soo not liking this topic anymore! he he he.

P.S:The door swings both ways! So while you can have fun with someone older than you, you soo can have fun with someone younger than you too!!

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