Alexa Cancel All Alarms

Alexa Cancel All Alarms

Alexa Cancel All The Alarms“! Omg I hate you Amazon’s favorite Alexa! Nope not kidding you guys! LOL . Yes I am laughing out loud now, but at that minute, strike that, in those 30 seconds I am pretty sure my heart skipped a beat and my soul just flew out of my body!!

You ready for this?

The Watcher

Everyone is off to bed except me! I decided to finish The Watcher on Netflix. Have you watched The Watcher yet ? I have been catching up on this series for two weeks now, bits and parts here and there! S refused to grace me with his presence for this one, but I wasn’t one to give up! “ I’ll just watch it all by myself” I declared to him. Not like that made a difference to him, but a point had to be made 🤣.

Crime/thrillers based off on true stories are far more scarier than the Horror series ! Horror is all weird imagination that you can eventually wish away but movies based on true incidents, specially about someone having access to your house and… Ok! You get it right?!

Alexa Cancel All Alarms

It is 30 minutes past midnight, Ginger is lying right next to my feet. She is in deep sleep. I am very close to finishing the last episode of The Watcher. Suddenly out of nowhere comes this one damn scene that scares the bejeezus and all that out of me!!

My heart is racing, I reach out to switch on the lamp next to me, then I see Ginger , I am comforted by her presence, I find the courage and continue watching the rest of the episode in complete darkness. It’s 1 am now!

I am spooked alright , I head out to double check on all locked doors. My brain is working hard “Maybe we should seal that opening to Attic” ,“I am going to ask S to check the crawl space first thing in the morning” . Ginger wakes up, comes out of the room, takes a look at me and heads towards her water bowl to take a sip.

Let’s go Ginger, come puppy” I say as I am about to head upstairs. This girl just gives me a blank stare and heads back to the TV room to sleep on her fluffy bed🤷‍♀️ !! The moonlight is playing tricks on my mind on, I think I see a weird shadow creeping up my wall! Shit my imagination is on a overdrive!!

All alarms canceled

As I approach the last step, I can hear music, a lady is singing !! Now is good time to scream , scream hard “Anusha just wake everyone up!!” And then I remember, that is Alexa playing lullabies and the music is coming from N’s room!

And right at this moment the stupid puppy sneaks up on me from behind! I mean “What the hell!!” , she senses my foul mood, and just walks past me. By now, I am just hanging by a thread, ready to scream my lungs out any minute!

Couple of seconds pass, I am still processing the “singing bit” when I suddenly I remember the girls are home tomorrow, it is a school holiday. In the dead of the night, I tip toe to N’s room and usually I would just call out “Alexa Stop” but today I have to cancel the zillion alarms set on every other Alexa so that the girls can sleep in late.

And well I don’t want to wake up N, so I go really like really close to Alexa. I mean if Alexa was a real person, I would be invading her privacy right that minute!!

And in my down-with-a-cold voice whisper to the blue flashing light “Alexa, cancel all alarms” fully expecting her to say “All alarms canceled ” in her normal Alexa voice! Because that is what Alexa does, or that is what I expected her to do!!

I hate Alexa

Guess what Alexa did? She instead just whispered back to me in the same damn whispering scary tone, “All alarms canceled’ and boy that is when I think I suffered a mini attack, like my soul went out of my body! Like I could run and jump out the window and just keep running without looking back, just like the lady in The Watcher 🤣😂🤷‍♀️🤐!!

She whispered back to me !! Yes, of course I know that’s one of their existing feature but at that minute, I was just expecting her to speak to me normally LOL. Holy cow I just sprinted from N’s room!! and Yes, that spooked Ginger who started barking and that woke up S from his deep slumber!! Haha, no you don’t want to know about the dirty dirty looks I got from S and Ginger haha.

Alexa, don’t you dare ever do that ever again to me! LOL. OMG this one experience I am not going to forget for some time to come! Ok ladies and gentlemen the show is over, I will take that applause now!! 😂.

Instead of a quote , enjoy Alexa being Alexa 😂.

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