And I am back and catching up

And I am back and catching up

HELLO !!! How are you guys doing? Oh I am doing fine. My summer break was refreshing, relaxing and just absolutely wonderful. And now I am back here and catching up.

It’s 3 months bit too late and most of what happened in between will probably not make it here. Nonetheless the good part is I am back!! The last time I was here, I spoke about the books that I simply enjoyed listening.

I so missed talking about all the random and not so random happenings of our lives to all of you ( *talks like she has a million followers waiting for her*) . But clearly life kept me very busy and yes I’ll admit I also got a tad lazy too *finally the truthπŸ™„*

If not for the constant guilt of failing to keep up with my promises *oh the many promises* and reminders from a very dear friend, I would have taken a couple more weeks to get back here.

New Home

A lot has happened since we last spoke. Well for one 🧿We have moved into a new house🧿. Yup, that happened and that is what kept me busy for the months of March to June.

A few weeks before our trip to India we did a little ceremony and officially made it ours. Though girls and I moved in only in August, S had moved in late June .

Our old home was perfect in every sense and has one of the best early morning views that I miss dearly even today !

However with work-from-home becoming a reality early on in pandemic and miss Ginger’s arrival last September, it just made more sense to have a slightly bigger space.

Our hunt lasted a few months before we found the perfect house that checked all our boxes. It’s a beautiful house and I am excited about setting it all up from scratch.

May- Packing and Playing sick

In between playing sick (Oh trust me, May was worse than April), S’s trip to India , shopping for our summer trip, I was neck-deep with packing.

Boy is moving houses tedious, exhausting and one of the most demanding jobs?! Heck yes!! While husband took care of the move in our absence , I was responsible for most of the packing and finalizing the packers!

I won’t even get into how I went through every room, every closet, every tiny space and then spent hours categorizing, sorting, arranging and carefully putting them into boxes not before labeling all the specifics in the box and taping them off.

While this ate into all my blogging time, I really had no choice. This had to be done before we left for our holiday. The packing system I had in place worked well for a while and well , then it just didn’t 😯.

June- Still Packing

So what now?? Simple, if you can’t categorize something, just toss it in one of boxes and label it “random stuff ” (which of course posed problems when I landed back in Seattle and had to open most boxes to look for that one elusive thing that I had to have it right that minuteπŸ˜†).

It bemuses me how my mom managed moving home every time as we moved cities year after year when my father was serving in Indian Navy. OK, she had a bit of help and well defense families get used to this drill pretty soon. Even then packing up your entire household and moving houses “can be“, no scratch that, “is” a very exhausting job.

Well until you realize that packing was the easy bit now comes unpacking and setting up all over again πŸ˜‚.

We have moved homes 6 times in last 15 years and with every move I tell myself “No more. I am not doing this again. we are soo done” So are we done?? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜œ.

And if moving to new home wasn’t enough to keep us busy there were year end school/class stuff to take care of – belt testing, drama performances, play dates, room parent duties etc. You get the gist! *yes, we get it you were very busy *

India Trip

Our trip to India was absolutely everything and more !! It was all that I had manifested it to be since the day it was decided that we would be off to India for this summer. The posts on our glorious vacation will soon follow with much details .

While I missed writing dearly, I was very active on Instagram making a gazillion reels of all the special moments and trips! Here is a sneak peek into our fun fun holiday


Just before we left for India, I was on “Midnight Library” and well I finished the series of “Good girls guide to murder” . I haven’t started on a any new audio book since then.

I have instead started listening to the official podcast on “House of the dragons” , as if watching it wasn’t enough πŸ˜„. You are looking at a true “GOT” fan here! I will be living and breathing everything “House of Dragons” till the series end.

TV series and Movies.

There are so many I don’t even know where to start. Recently though I enjoyed watching Uncoupled and Peaky Blinders last season on Netflix . Right now it’s House of the Dragon and The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Netflix and Amazon respectively.

I do owe a post on “Bridgeton“. I honestly don’t enjoy romantic series so much as a thriller drama but oh but boy did I enjoy Bridgeton. I jumped on to this series like a season late but soo glad that did and boy did I enjoy it or what?! Yes, lady Whistledown kept me all glued on to the screen with the gossip of the “ton”😜❀️.

The letters

Well, all I can say is “I am sorry ” and I’ll do a better job of keeping in touch !

Anyhow this was me catching up and letting all of you know, I am alive and kicking ! Hope you had a fun break. Talk to you again soon.

Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving“~ Albert Einstein.

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