April Fools Day

April Fools Day

I had one of the best April Fools day one that we are going to remember for years to come!

Are you into April Fools day?There was a time when I would invest my time plotting on my inner circle and go all out trying to fool them,not anymore. If not for V‘s excitement for this day I wouldn’t even bother with April 1st.

Now with N getting the hang of the day,we are entertained with “Mama,there is a elephant behind you!, “Papa,I see a bug on your hair, April Fool! “all through the month of AprilπŸ˜‚.

I was so happy when V said they were having silly hair day at school on 1st April.That would take care of the excitement and celebrations!

Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day at School on April Fools Day.

All was going well until one of my friends forwarded a picture on our WhatsApp group declaring “I am going to try this today”.The moment she said “Chocolate covered Sponge”,I was sold on the idea!

Knowing V‘s love for chocolate,how could I not pull this on her?I absolutely had to try it!

The forward that made my day!

On our way back from school,I told V that I had baked some chocolate brownies for her.By the time we reached home she couldn’t wait to bite into that brownie.My plan was working!

Time to put the plan into action,while she got busy snacking,I quietly sneaked into our pantry and got out a new sponge,cut it in two halves and generously spread Nutella on it ,whipping up a gorgeous chocolate covered sponge cake with loads sprinkles on top.

It wasn’t perfect but good enough to fool her! Once done,I got it out in a pretty pink plate,parading it in front of V ,the sprinkles did their magic and she and N were running after me,ready to dig in.

As she took the first bite,I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore and bursted out laughing.Puzzled she bit harder into it expecting to get a bite of the brownie.Omg her reaction was SPOT ON when she realized she had been fooled!!

Well the pictures speak for themselves take a look yourself LOL.We haven’t laughed like this in months.It was epic!!.

Poor N didn’t get the joke though,she kept asking for a bite,trying to lick some of that Nutella LOL.I thought of trying it on S who wasn’t home then but then I realized it may not land well on a grown up,haha.

Guess what?The fun didn’t stop here,as I shared my videos and pics with my friends everyone wanted to try it out.It was laughter riot as each one shared their kids reaction as they bit into that yummy chocolate cake!

One of the kid even tried to cut the cake with the fork and when that didn’t happen he didn’t stop to think,he just picked it up and took a bite πŸ˜‚.Never underestimate the power of chocolate!

At the cost of our children,we mom’s had the best April Fools day this year!

Would you try this trick on your kids?Would you be ok being a mean mommy πŸ˜‚?I might be a mean mommy but I am funny mean mommy LOL.

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