April Fools Day 2022

April Fools Day 2022

Hello there! How’s April treating you ? How was your April Fools Day this year? Of course I did ! Now why will I ask you about April Fools day if I don’t have a story to share myself duh 😂❤️.

The girls are home this entire week for their spring break. We have planned a local trip, S is kinda busy with work and his travel to India next month. Oh yes , we are finally doing it 🧿.

How are you spending your spring break ? Do tell , I would love to hear all about your fun holiday ❤️.

Coming to April Fools day , remember our last years fools day where I fooled V for good with that sponge cake 😂 ! Well this year wasn’t as epic as that, but I did manage to pull a last minute easy prank on the girls. The reactions told me I had successfully fooled them yet again😂.

I honestly wasn’t even planning on pulling a prank on the girls. It was only when Suman pinged our chat group wondering what I was planning on April Fools day is when I googled for some quick and easy pranks to prank a 9 year old.

Morning of April Fools Day

The morning of April Fools day started on a sober note with no one particularly remembering it was fools day. S was out of town for work, like most single parents I was on my toes from the moment I got out of bed. The thought of pulling a prank on the kids didn’t even cross my mind.

As I was helping the girls get ready for school, I had niggling feeling that I was forgetting something. Pushing the feeling aside I got on with our morning routine. Breakfast later, Ginger and girls were sitting in the van ready for the school.

As V alighted from the van at her drop off , I noticed few of her classmates getting off their cars with funny hairstyles. One of them had all white wig while the other had a red and blue one. It is then it dawned upon me , it was crazy hair day at V’s class and it had slipped our minds completely! This was the niggling feeling I had at the back of my mind all morning.

In the past we have always celebrated crazy hair day, I was a little disappointed in myself for forgetting V’s crazy hair day specially because V loves participating in all class activities.

After I dropped N at her class carline which is on opposite end of the school, I called the front desk. I explained to the admin that I had just dropped V like 5 mins ago and would like her to get her to front desk so that I can do her hair.

Rummaging through my purse I found 4 tiny hair claws and a bunch of colorful sticks on the back of N’s seat. Well that was better than nothing.

I had just parked in the lot opposite to the admin block when I saw V walking towards the front office. V appeared rather confused as she walked towards me “What happened mama?”. Thanking the admin I whispered to her “I don’t have much to give you a crazy hair but we can still make you silly” 😜.

She smiled a little embarrassed with me as I played around with her hair with my bare hands in the parking lot haha. I managed to create something with the hair claws. It looked a little silly perhaps but not funny or crazy! V was happy and already heading back to class.

Then I remembered those colorful sticks in the car. I ran to the van, retrieved the sticks, caught up with V and using those tiny hair claws managed to get those sticks on her head 😂.

Voila we finally we had sorta of crazy hair! I could see V was happy and excited with her new look. On the way back from school when I asked V if she’d had fun at school on crazy hair day? Prompt came her reply “Guess what? Most of them just had their wigs on, I had the craziest hair style in the class” 😜.

Oh well! What can I say? I was smiling ear to ear😄!!

The Prank

Friday the 1st of April this year was one of those rare warm days of Spring. As I had anticipated the girls requested to play at park that falls on our way back to home from school.

As the girls got busy playing at park , Ginger and I went for a walk around the park. It was exceptionally warm that day. After about an hour of play the girls were thirsty and ready to head home.

We got home and while the girls were washing their hands and putting their shoes in the rack. I got out two glasses poured in some cold water, a drop of food color and some ice cubes. It took me less than 5 minutes to get the drinks ready.

As they approached I declared “I made some fresh grape juice for you girls. It’s my first time I want to take pictures as you take your first sip” and they agreed 😂🤷‍♀️. In their defense the color and the ice cubes did make it look rather a tempting drink after a warm day at park.

V her couple of sips , looking intently at her drink she looked at me and said “Mom, I am not sure I got the taste”. Pause. “This tastes like cold water”. Thirsty N continued drinking the water pausing only when V said it taste like water 😂.

And I who was still taking pictures said “Well you are right! It should taste like cold water because it is cold water!” V was still take in what I said when I followed it with “April Fool!” LOL.

Ah the shock on her face 😂. It was all worth it! The whole prank from conception to execution took all of 15 minutes! Not bad for a quick April fools day prank ! The remaining evening V and N spent trying hard to fool me back without much luck.

Suman tried the whipped cream prank on her sons where she put a bit of whipped cream and a dash of salt on their toothbrush instead of the toothpaste and called the boys for bedtime brushing. You can just imagine the reaction the kiddos would’ve given 😆😂.

I hope you had a fun start to this month, laughing your way into April.

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit ~ William Shakespeare

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