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Author: chikodianusha

Matlab Kya?

Matlab Kya?

This is what happened, actually has been happening for two days now! Yesterday. I parked my car, I usually call amma on my way to the reception and once i am in ladies room, I call Liz, ‘See u in cafe’. Thats my routine. Instead of calling amma, I called Liz and told her I’ll see her in a bit! After our usual chat and fun breakfast,I got to my cubicle. Later that evening “Arpita mein aaj jaldi jaa rahi…

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ankhon hi ankhon mein

ankhon hi ankhon mein

That afternoon he was in the company of two pretty ladies dinning at a well known restaurant.‘I just cant believe you never fell in Love, give us something!’ Lekha insisted. Aarohi had given up, 6 months and he still hadn’t opened up.That day he did. Mumbai, 1988Rudransha made it a point to visit the library every day. It was here he spent time with his true love. Books; he loved reading from history to fiction to drama.The best time of…

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The Accident

The Accident

Yes, I met with an accident! Yet again! Both of us were at fault(he hit my car, but then again!),anyways its the drama that continued for good 40 mins after the hit that’s worth a post! My car was hit,really hit hard, and then out of no experience of how to handle the situation, I came out, threw my hands up in the air and gestured “Whats this sir?”. That was it,that one gesture, and things just went out of…

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Hair Cut.

Hair Cut.

So, I got a hair cut, and the same story repeats. This time though, I got it an evening before the traditional day in office. I went short,really short. I think I am li’ll crazy, I like the idea of experimenting and then I sob.(not literally! Duh!) A & S they are over and above all this, they have had it for years now. They don’t even bother anymore ‘Its nice’,’It will look good in a day or two’.Stop it….

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Habba-Dance Group

Habba-Dance Group

I was tempted, tempted to get on the stage and shake a leg,while liz and her group practiced. One two front left, one two front left!( I just wish!) The choreographer, is one talented boy!He seemed to understand every dance form that was being discussed, Afro Jazz, Salsa wow! He has a put an good act together, they just need to practice a li’ll( Loads! Abhi tho, steps set kiya hai) to get it all right. While the other girl,…

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There is lots to write about! While I am waiting for Liz(whose busy with her dance ), soocha thoda hi sahi,kuch tho likhoon. 1. Love the new Vodafone Diwali offer Ad. I simply love “Meri raai mein auqa is the best color”. He is soooo adorable.These guys are just soo good with the content, the script! 2. Had been to Bikaner,Diwali was fun, he was missing,alright, I am supposed to be all I missed him, and I wish.. But Na,…

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Wake up Sid

Wake up Sid

I want to write about it.I loved the movie, excellent role playing by Ranbir, hands down, but the thing that actually caught my attention for the entire 2.30 hours (apart from Ranbir) were the colors and creative interiors. Bright, vibrant, energetic, youthful look. Mumbai Beats office, Konkana’s house, Ranbir’s Board. The wall in Konkana’s room, that has strings running, a photo,a memory that keeps finding its place there, I liked all of it, the lamp that hangs by the window,no…

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Groom Hunting!

Groom Hunting!

Its been a long time, have been busy, with life and otherwise. Last 3 days, I have been seeing boys. Ah, no. Thank you, I am a happily married woman, I have been seeing boys for a friend, who is looking out for the perfect soul mate.I have had a lot of stories to share, funny,irritating episodes of groom hunting, when ma and pa took the arranged marriage way for their supposedly perfect daughter:D(I still am, for them I always…

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Second chance?

Second chance?

Do you believe in second chances? In giving one, and getting one? We are not perfect, sometimes however hard one tries, there are somethings that are left unsaid, words that you wish you had shared, expressed yourself, done that one right thing. Some do get their second chance in life and some just don’t.Some deserve, some don’t.Some screw up again, some sleep over it.

Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick!

Nothing seems to tick. have I lost the will to write? This is one thing that I have enjoyed doing after a very long time, but off late I have been failing to put my thoughts into words! That’s it? I have lost my streak? Hell NO.I guess all the holidaying and working from home, have pushed the writers cells into hibernation.They refuse to work,they refuse to co-operate, they are all nestled into their cozy world, one would pick aisho…

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All I want to do is find a way back into love

All I want to do is find a way back into love

I’ve been living with a shadow over head I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I’ve been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can’t seem to move on I’ve been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just incase I ever need them again someday I’ve been setting aside time,to clear a little space in the corners of my mind All I want to do is find a way back into love I can’t…

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hic hic

hic hic

The other day while we were chatting, actually we were yapping about all the craziest thing we have done, Oh, his was, how should I put it,lets say a 20 on 10, on Were you crazy? meter (Duh, I just got creative here LOL)the story will be out soon, I just need to,copy and paste the whole conversation LOL voila!. My story on the other end , is a, lets say, a 10 on 10. Not crazy as his definitely…

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Pyaar Vyaar

Pyaar Vyaar

He always said the right words, always made the right move. He could have any girl he wanted, but his eyes were fixed on this one.  I don’t care attitude, made her desirable. She knew he checked her out everyday, and he always caught her looking at him. There was an unspoken chemistry between the two. It’s not like people didn’t notice, they did, but they got it all wrong. While they kept looking at this unspoken relationship as an…

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It’s not meant to happen

It’s not meant to happen

He was in love with her.  He never let her know how he truly felt about her As days passed, both of them started working on their final semester project, Samira, her best friend had noticed the change in him, she knew for certain that, as the days to graduation got closer, it would get really difficult for Raghav to hide his true feelings from Meera . Samira, Meera,Veer and Rahgav had been project mates for all 4 years. Raghav…

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