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Author: chikodianusha

Valentine’s Day 2009

Valentine’s Day 2009

Red Roses The best roses that I have got till date(na,they weren’t from S :)) were from my ex classmate, a dear friend then who had them delivered by post while he was pursuing Masters in Science from states. The roses and the cake reached our PG accommodation early morning on my b’day. The memory is still fresh in my mind, it was a bunch of loosely tied 12 fresh, long stemmed red roses. Every girl that day was in…

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I have grown up? There were times, when I sort of cringed at the idea of getting too close (read physical intimacy) before marriage(this sort of legalizes all that!). Today while Anvita and I were talking about this topic that happened to pop up while while we were on our way to movie, we realized how the two of us have moved on from those girls who chastised the ones who did that to, to the ones believe that it’s…

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I don’t know!

I don’t know!

I am confused, there is this trail of thought, I want to write, write something that I believe in, and then someone comes along (sometimes, its serial/movie) and rakes my line of thought. This has been a very difficult one to write about. Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith Grey, she is in love and then confused, and then she backs out ,but then again, she wants him, but now man is confused, which confuses her of her feeling for him Wow! and…

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Shekar and Meera

Shekar and Meera

Shekar and Meera were in a live in relationship. All the rules had been laid out  perfectly, the rules were simple, each one had a separate room, every bill and chore would be equally divided. It was love for books that got them close,4 years on, while the romance was loosing its fizz. It was a no hassle relationship, neither one was expected to attend to each others relatives, parents were exceptions. Friends, family were warned against the ‘marriage’ saga!…

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Damage is Done!

Damage is Done!

That’s right. I have officially lost my dresses! Who should I yell at ? When to begin with it was my fault! I should have been careful! That said and me being miserable done, the lady( yeah I thought it was the gentlemen) blatantly refused to have carried my bag, while the shop keeper had specifically asked her to get the bags she had carried, she just got the the payment slip! How is one supposed to argue with that?…

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Yet Again!

Yet Again!

I hate this world, no, not me, for being careless and leaving behind 1500 rs worth dresses that I bought just two hours ago, but hate the guy, who had supposedly left his 4000rs worth spectacles in the shop next to the one where I had happily left my bag and in all the commotion picked up my bag along with his and left! Idiot didn’t even bother to check what was in the bag.I wanted to blame myself, but…

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*This was supposed to come out last evening,I wrote all of it, but couldn’t post it! This is the first time I have fallen sick since he has left for Cal. I have been running slight fever on and off. When I am sick, i have to be pampered, taken care of, just like a kid! I know I am old enough to take care of one :), I guess everyone seeks for attention when sick and tends to get…

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Lie, a expression, opposite of truth, convenience, escapism, boldness,or just fear? Love, A overrated emotion, license to hurt, misery, tears, fights, forgiveness,selfishness, selflessness, sacrifice,happiness or Love? Embarrassment, shame or acceptance. either or both. Friend,cry,fight,hate,love,forgive,forget,give,take,coffee,lunch, share,lie,truth,honesty,pretense,bindaas or just you and me.

Can things go back to being normal?

Can things go back to being normal?

Can things go back to being normal? When you get close to someone, you take somethings for granted. Its just understood, but then if one of you questions it, what do you do? Do you stop being yourself. Do you create space between each other? Space.Will that solve the problem? Or do you talk about it? Talking. Will that help? Words are very powerful. They can cause a rift or they can fix it. Saying it right. Choosing the right…

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Anger feeds on ego and ego

Anger feeds on ego and ego

Sometimes whatever you do, you just cant forgive somethings. Sometimes however hard you try you just cant look past the scars. Scars that just deepen with time.Hatred is a very strong emotion.Hatred feeds on anger. Anger feeds on ego and ego, ego eats on relationships.



‘I can’t even talk to her. What should I tell her? Will she understand? I don’t even know if I understand it myself.’ these thoughts had been haunting Shurti for a week now. Mayank and she had been had been together for 2 years now.Just until few months ago,since his promotion as BDM for Asia pacific region, he had been living out of his suitcase. The little time that he did get, he caught up on lost sleep, and the…

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Happiest Moment

Happiest Moment

I have not been lazy, just that my routine has sort of changed and by the time I am home, I am too tired to write one. Earlier, rushed to home by 5,but now, I am home by 7-8ish.By the time I decide to start writing its very late and am very sleepy! like right now, i can barely keep my eyes open!! I am making an sincere effort to get back to writing everyday.I’ll keep this one short. The…

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English, will, hardwork!

English, will, hardwork!

I want to write, but then its one of those days when I just cant put my mind to it.There are so many things that are running thro’ but when I try to pen them down,I loose the thought. Off late, I haven’t been reading much either, and this includes newspaper too. I scramble thro’ the front page, and skip all that is in between and finally only read the editorial section.Then I grab Bangalore mirror( its truly not worth…

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The story of my Car & the Bus

The story of my Car & the Bus

I have been traveling in the bus for a week now( This is a big thing for me, read on). Well, last week when Saurabh was around, we sort of met with an accident, the good thing is no one was hurt except our car(tears, it was sad sight!).Things happen, sometimes you just don’t have control over them, though for the first 10 mins we kinda blamed each other(we were sad! specially him)once we dropped it at the garage, both…

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Women love shopping.Try as hard as we may, the temptation is soo stong, that we are pulled right back to it.It’s something, we just cannot see ourselves,not doing LOL!For us, Shopping is pretty much like our best friend, we can trust it to give us company, keep us occupied for hours together, keep us happy and pep us up when we are sad , just that, we gotta spend tiny miny(Ok, sometime a li’ll more than tiny miny)of money(but it’s…

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