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Author: chikodianusha



Love happens once and Lust!, well over and over again. Yeah rite! I don’t think so. Here is my take ‘Love happens over and over again, well Lust just keeps happening’ he he he. Come on,do you really believe in ‘Love can happen just once’ Honestly. There is a thin line between the two. We’ll talk about that some other day. Today we talk about love. Think hard and then think again.keep thinking, till you are convinced that Love happens…

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Why do I see everything as black and white

Why do I see everything as black and white

We have been talking,about relationships,about men and women and yet again, my inexperience stares at me right back or is it really my inexperience? Why do I see everything as black and white, and yet they keep telling me that its all Grey! Its easier to be in a f* up situation and yet blame it on your heart! Ok, so we do, but really are you enjoying this attachment? And if you are, why shed those tears? Forgiveness. So…

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3 idiots

3 idiots

3 idiots! Well, most of us would agree that its a brilliant movie,so when I got an offer to watch it the third time! I didn’t even bat my eyelids before saying Yes! It was the part of b’day treat with the evening winding up in dinner.Needn’t have to say,it was the delightful company of the two that made it so wonderful(Duh! I have to, before I can mention the actual thing)!If I had to a pick a moment in…

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Divya celebrated her b’day today! ‘Happy B’day Divya :)’. We had a long day, fun and filling. We started off hogging on samosa’s at 12am and the saga continued till 4pm! The highlight of day apart from her b’day, was the cake I baked for her! I know, I have been bragging about it all day to everyone I know, but you know what ‘I am gonna keep doing that for a long time’ he he he. Anvita (She is…

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Don’t ask me what I am getting at! I don’t know either he he . I just picked pieces from my unpublished posts, and here I am posting them in one single post! So if you are looking for some logical flow,anything that makes sense, you are going to be seriously disappointed! In life not everything has a straight answer, not everything can be black or white, or like most software engineers would say 0 or 1.While we try and…

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Is it possible?

Is it possible?

Is it possible? The one with whom you could talk about anything under the sky , suddenly having a conversation, sharing a few words seems like a burden? How does one deal with it? Why does it happen? Why does it reach this point? What do you do when your trust is shaken? your belief is questioned?



Over a glass of cold coffee, we had a wonderful time, while I was ranting about stuff, he started off with the word. Imbalance.I found it hard to refute to his views, mostly because I didn’t want to. Just one of those days, when you just want to hear someone out. Just listen. Comprise,adjustment tend to lead to imbalance in an relationship (read a woman and man).When one tends to make adjustments, followed by another and yet another, it reaches…

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Happy New Year! Or not! Whatever suits you! I mean what really is so “Happy” about the new year? Seriously, think about it, I am going to be like , forget it! , matlab haar saal! Ek tho saal aaye jab umaar na baade he he he. Ok, fine! I am gonna stop sulking, Happy ji Happy. Spent new years as have been for past so many years in B with Ma(Pa is out sailing!) and the usual gang of…

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3rd wedding anniversary

3rd wedding anniversary

Btw, we celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary(touch wood :)) on 13th minus each other! He did send cake and flowers,Bhai sent some too, and everyone, including those, who I least expected except one, who I knew wouldn’t ( not on D day, later maybe), called in to bless us! Gautam calls me at 11.40pm, exactly 20 mins before we would be into 3 years and one day old marriage to wish 🙂 WOW! The previous evening should actually go in…

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Two Thousand and Nine

Two Thousand and Nine

Can you believe it? Time flies. Cliche. One year gone, and 2010 is already knocking on my door! How was this year for me? Deepti prodded me. Wow, fabulous,Good, Bad, disappointing, Interesting,OMG, shitty, hmm, uh,ok? I experienced all that and more. Fabulous:The top of the list being, S finally fulfilling his wish and what a great college to do it from! Me, finally driving!(I think I have enough posts filled on why and how and when!). This year will always…

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Sometimes,words truly fail you

Sometimes,words truly fail you

Sometimes,words truly fail you. Nothing you say can stop those tears, take away the pain, erase those memories. To get over the past, to stop the pain one has to suffer, and sometimes it has to be all alone.But then, somewhere peeping out is face, checking on you, keeping a tab on your crying, knowing when to come out and give you a hug! Hug, that says ‘Its ok to cry,it will be alright. It will be over soon’. Deep…

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Go watch Paa. I heard this not so comforting rumor about Bacchaans( very very old one, I just wasn’t aware!), and it sorted stayed with me for quite the entire Friday and the Saturday too, till I watched Paa, and the air was lifted. I dont care how is with whom and who is doing whom, the movie is worth your time, its worth a watch. Of course, I loved the deep 3/4th sleeve blouses, and her earrings! I am…

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A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing happened today. One of the girl who sits in the cubicle next to mine, was leaving HP today( She was here for a project from Mphasis). I must’ve spoken to her, say 4, at the max 5 times in last two months or so. She sits just next to me, but the after initial lunch meetings, I don’t really remember walking up to her and making an conversation. It was never more the customary hellos,hi!…

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