

Divya celebrated her b’day today! ‘Happy B’day Divya :)’. We had a long day, fun and filling. We started off hogging on samosa’s at 12am and the saga continued till 4pm! The highlight of day apart from her b’day, was the cake I baked for her! I know, I have been bragging about it all day to everyone I know, but you know what ‘I am gonna keep doing that for a long time’ he he he.

Anvita (She is soo particular (rather fussy! :D) about the food she eats), when she, went on like ‘I cant believe, you actually made this stuff’. it was a big thing, while she appreciates when its good, I have never seen her go ga ga like that before he he he! While Divya kept mum and devoured as much as she could before she her tummy said ‘Enough,stop it!’ LOL.And today, the two of them carried a big portion home to share with their colleagues at office!

I am not great at cooking(read everything to do with feeding one!), I am not bad either :P. The thing is I started serious cooking like an year ago(Blame Parents, they didn’t let me cook till I got married, and Saurabh, who was too worried about my safety for good 2 years he he he!) ,so I am still learning the tricks of the trade, the shortcuts, the acronyms, the names! I still call Ma(Oh! she is excellent!) for every second recipe, and then I keep calling her till the dish is done he he he!

So, when I had my family go ga ga over it,I got ‘high’! I seriously did. It was an awesome feeling, after almost a days hard work, when I saw the two go after it, I experienced one of those moments , that I am gonna share with many for years to come :)!

Just like the one, when Saurabh told me ‘This is best cake I have ever had!’ after I tried my hands at baking for the very first time! I haven’t baked a lot, just about 4 times now! and seems like I am getting there, I am getting to this place where I can soon have my own Bakery ha ha ha. (Ok, I know, its a bit over the top, but I don’t care, I want enjoi my stardom he he he)

I am waiting for my friends to try tomorrow, and deep down I know , they’ll love it too :D.

Oh yeah, btw, the credit goes to my aunt! Its her recipe, she is an awesome cook and best part is she has been so sweet in sharing her li’ll secrets with me! She gave me a step to step instruction and Voila! Not everyone does that, you know giving away their signature dishes recipe JLT!

[I’ll put the pic soon!]

P.S: The first time,during the first year of marriage, I sorta burnt myself while cooking(it was just a small burn!) I had my whole family, I mean mama’s, maami’s, ,grand ma, cuz’s, including my maasi from Canada, calling in and checking on me LOL. Given that it’s love marriage, aur munda Punjabi hai, they wanted to make sure, you know he he he. After that Saurabh was on high alert ‘yaar meri reputation is on the stake, please don’t cook‘ LOL. Poor thing. He had a tough time for good 6 months.

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