

I banged my car, yet AGAIN(I think in last one year its the 3rd time)! I was at fault, hands down. I don’t know what got into me, while taking reverse I just didn’t bother looking back! I hit a standing car. Luckily the car didn’t suffer, mine did!! There is this big bump at the rear.

I wasn’t paying attention. I had made this call to Divya,she was busy Had I spoken to her, may be I would have come out of this conversation that was playing on my mind, I was lost and BANG!! I got down, and didn’t even bother examining my car closely, as soon as I was convinced the other car was not hit, a sense of relief descended! But then they were a bunch of them who were in parking lot. They came running “Hey its your car which took the hit” That’s when I realized it. I am not particularly sad about the car, as long as I didn’t hit anyone and didn’t cause damage (touch wood) I think it’s OK. It happens, sometimes somethings happen.You just have to learn and try not make the same mistake.Right?

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