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Category: Conversations

Being Consistent

Being Consistent

Good morning, hello hello ! Let’s chat, shall we? Let’s talk about being consistent! Been more than a minute since we last spoke! Hmm.. more like three weeks🤐 . The old me would have apologized for not coming here. Trust me that “old me” is still very much tempted to do that. But I am not going let her do that, because if I could make the time I would have done that already ! Right now I am doing…

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Conversations:Kuch Badla Kya?

Conversations:Kuch Badla Kya?

This particular video by Social Samosa,a online media publication landed in my Instagram messenger about a month ago.After watching it when I further shared with my girlfriends, it led to some intense passionate discussions.Everyone had something to say. How do you feel after watching this video?Do you agree with the message here? I believe the message that, while the world has progressed yet some roles haven’t ,stands true for women all around the world and not just India. <Click on…

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Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment

The other day a friend and I got talking about Bombay Begums, even though I didn’t enjoy the series it did highlight some very important issues specially workplace harassment/assault that women continue to face even today. As I look back now, I realize back in 2004 when we had just stepped into the corporate world we weren’t even aware of the term workplace harassment.Sadly most of us did experience one or the other form of workplace harassment but we didn’t…

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Conversations: The Kiss

Conversations: The Kiss

It all started with this caught-in-an-embarrassing-moment-during-virtual-meetings kind of video that landed in my chat messenger one morning. This one was funny, in this video a man is intently explaining his work when suddenly his partner unaware that the camera is on tries to sneak in a kiss. The man appears to be visibly shocked, firstly to be caught unaware and secondly because everyone on the meeting has now witnessed the little kiss act. He just looks at her in disbelief…

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Conversation : Thank You

Conversation : Thank You

Welcome to the new series. Conversations. We all enjoy a good talk , with pandemic in our lives for over a year now, phone calls have become a integral part of our daily routines, be it with a friend, a family member or just your colleague. More often than not, we slip into some thought provoking conversations . There are times when you agree and then there are times when you just want to scream out and say your piece….

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Oscar Fever

Oscar Fever

Catch the story, cast , reviews at Here is my personalized review on the one’s that caught my attention one way or the other Doubt: Merryl Streep has a does a awesome job. Watch it just for her. Reader: Caution, this is would definitely get A+++ certificate in India.Watch it for story and Kate. She totally deserved the Oscar. Secretly though, I wished it was Merryl. Milk: Dude! What can I say, the actors up in west believe in…

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