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Category: Sharma Family

Happy Birthday Dearest S

Happy Birthday Dearest S

My heart has been very heavy all this week with the news from back home.Sitting thousands miles away from home helplessly watching as India faces the worse wave that any country has seen since the start of pandemic. As I write this post I am aware of the pain and anguish many are going through right now!Hang in there.This shall pass! We celebrated the third birthday of the family this month,Happy Birthday S. As you would have already gathered from…

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Spring Break 2021

Spring Break 2021

After a week long break,the girls went back to school today! Can you tell that I am smiling ear to ear as I write this post ?😁.While the break was good,I am happy to get some time to write without the girls hovering around me. Having and caring for children is like being on an adventure.You better jump in with all your wit and energy or they’ll devour you at the first chance they get 😂.Do you agree or agree?…

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Hi there,my girls are home this entire week for spring break.Sadly both the girls came down with a cold just as their break started and now we are basically home abound trying to make the best of the remaining few days.We did the egg hunt few days ago. Just as I was exposed to many different Indian festivals while growing up, my girls too are getting introduced to many new festivals and traditions from around the world.As they grow in…

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April Fools Day

April Fools Day

I had one of the best April Fools day one that we are going to remember for years to come! Are you into April Fools day?There was a time when I would invest my time plotting on my inner circle and go all out trying to fool them,not anymore. If not for V‘s excitement for this day I wouldn’t even bother with April 1st. Now with N getting the hang of the day,we are entertained with “Mama,there is a elephant…

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Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi! My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate. All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai! Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the…

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Happy Birthday N

Happy Birthday N

Here it is finally,a long overdue post on another birthday that we celebrated at the starting of this month. 🥳 Ms. N turned FOUR. 🥳 Oh,did I mention?Our birthdays,Hers and mine are just a week apart.Birthdays are big deal in our house,it has to be loud and fun even if it’s just us 4.So the week leading up to her birthday is always a busy week for me,shopping and planning for her big day. This year she wanted a Frozen…

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Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me

Who had a fun weekend? Who went out and came back a year wiser, prettier, smarter and all the affirmative ‘er’s” this weekend. Oh well, if you haven’t guessed it yet! Yes it was me. “Happy Birthday to me..” My birthday falls in the same week as the mid winter break and that makes it easier on S to plan a family vacation and also pass it on as my birthday getaway too! Smart chap :). This time it fell…

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Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

Snow Day(s) 2021 and it went like this…

You read all about about Curious’s love affair with snow and how we were missing it this year in Sledding Day 2021 . For her sake, I really wanted it to snow. Well my prayers were finally answered and how! To give you an idea, as per official records, this was highest snow recorded in Seattle in last 52 years. Unlike the heavy windy snow we witnessed last year, we were treated to lighter, calmer snowfall this year. Dreamy fluffy…

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Aqua Baby

Aqua Baby

Last month was a great swim month for Little . She did the head bobs all by herself , finally !! After nearly 4 months she did. Yohoo, you go girl!! Who is celebrating? I am I soo am! Its taken a lot of cajoling, begging and not-so-nice warning to get her to do it. I am so proud of me. That’s right, you bet I am! What is a head bob ? Well… “Head bobs basically is hanging onto…

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How will I grow?

How will I grow?

The cutest thing happened a few days ago and it went like this “But then , how will I grow ?”  Before I tell you all about it, let’s rewind a bit,  It all started with Potty Training I know mommies, I have your attention now ! I started potty training Little when she was about 6 months old.  Now when you have the second one, most of you may agree with me,  you just want to replicate your successes you…

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Sledding Day 2021

Sledding Day 2021

 We finally checked off “sledding” from our bucket list of winter-things-to-do-every-year! Constant reminders followed by accusations of-being-unfair or no fair topped with  extra drama from a certain 8 year old for over a month now, finally forced us into making that trip to  Leavenworth.  The drive was breath taking, It’s like one of those stunning winter wonderland kind of drive that you always watch in movie  and what made it perfect was that we had a visit from Mr. Sun himself.  It was gorgeous…

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The Year of 2014

The Year of 2014

2014 was a year of lot of changes for me, this post is more of personal note to self, years later I would like to relive the moments of  the year gone by, the year of Twenty Fourteen.  On professional front, -After working  for a decade in HP, I decided to call it quits, It wasn’t an easy one to make, but one that needed to be done. In the hindsight, I think its one of the better decisions  that I…

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Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

S and V were already out and heading for the stairs. I rushed out of my 18th floor apartment, not before grabbing the keys  and an old sweater that was lying around  thank god for common sense. It was the fire alarm,it had been  on for good 5 minutes. The first reaction ,was that of  dismissal, Could be a false one. Ever since V’s birth,we are conscious of safety rules, so when the alarm refused to stop, we rushed out without…

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First Month here!!

First Month here!!

It’s my first month here in the city of Hyderabad and surprisingly the weather has been kind to us!  Yes, I had to start with the weather..well that’s what scared me the most, not the fact that we are moving away from Bangalore, or the fact I won’t have any friends/family/acquaintances , but “Its going to bloody hot”!!  Guess, I’ll just  have to wait for the dreaded summer to feel the real heat,until then, loving the nip in the air….

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Its Zumba all the way Baby!!

Its Zumba all the way Baby!!

V is  already 19 months old and I am still ,sweating it out to get back into shape!! Every time I get on to that weighing scale, hoping against hope for a miracle,I silently offer a  prayer !! If ignoring my plea’s wasn’t enough,it goes on to mock me as well  “You weigh 300gms more than you did last evening!! Good luck lady!!!” Stupid weighing scale, Damn You!! I have been patiently waiting for the remainder of eat-till-you-stuff-yourself -because-your-baby-needs-it  weight ( Honestly, I…

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