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Category: Friends

Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi! My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate. All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai! Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the…

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Conversations: The Kiss

Conversations: The Kiss

It all started with this caught-in-an-embarrassing-moment-during-virtual-meetings kind of video that landed in my chat messenger one morning. This one was funny, in this video a man is intently explaining his work when suddenly his partner unaware that the camera is on tries to sneak in a kiss. The man appears to be visibly shocked, firstly to be caught unaware and secondly because everyone on the meeting has now witnessed the little kiss act. He just looks at her in disbelief…

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Happy National Youth Day

Happy National Youth Day

Hello! Happy National Youth Day to you.  In all honesty, I wouldn’t have bothered myself with this day, (one more day in the list of ever growing days to celebrate) had it not been for the those endless Instagram posts that flooded my feed today. Friends posting a photograph of their younger selves captioned  What I would tell my younger “youth” self?  Hashtag #nationalyouthday Did you know, National Youth Day is celebrated every year on the 12th of January since 1985 to honor one…

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You know your in your thirties when…

You know your in your thirties when…

After being bombarded with  countless articles on age and such on the net & newspapers alike., out of sheer lack-of-interesting-topics , I decided to try writing one too! I did some serious thinking & came up with the you know your in  your thirties when… *Creative eh?*   Be my guest, I am ready for all bricks and bats *duck* 1. You blatantly refuse to acknowledge your age! how original 2 .You  relate to the agony of those who are 40 plus,…

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The Buddy List

The Buddy List

The Buddy List, five types of friends a woman must have, an article  that was featured in Bangalore Times couple of years ago, to be precise in 2010. Sifting through the drafts folder of my older blog, this particular post caught my eye. I decided to rework on it, I have met some amazing people since then and there are those I have lost in touch with, Its only fair that I post my new updated list here. So I did, I…

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Baade Aache Lagate Hain Baade Aache Lagate Hain, that’s my current favorite serial aired every day @ 10.30 pm on Sony :). Oh,I love this serial Period. I love the background score!! Not surprised, Its gang’s current favorite topic now , they love shredding my serial apart. Liz choose to gang up with them, she was soo close to being inducted into my camp, guess husband powers overpowered my magic here LOL!!  Just to drive their point, one day they…

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Last 6 months, every few days I would visit my blog, start with a new post, stare blankly and then hit the Design button. I have changed the background countless number of times now!!  I have almost lost the will to write, it was so much more easier  back then. I have been trying hard, very hard. I guess that’s the problem,It isnt coming naturally to me anymore!! I have so many stories and I almost frame a complete para…

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Do you like the smell of …..?

Do you like the smell of …..?

On our way to office today,while Vivek was swirling his car through the traffic and I was staring into nowhere, a conversation had started in the background  The love for weird smells… Pause. A little background Since Vivek has joined HP I have been taking these free rides to office. It started with OK I can take a break from driving once in a week to almost everyday (so far they haven’t complained!!). And while I am almost a regular,…

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Happy B’day To Me :)

Happy B’day To Me :)

Alright, though I didn’t sound excited the other day but Last night was like WOW. No we didn’t do anything crazy wild, it was cute wild he he he. These girls did a great job at hiding the cake and those gorgeous flowers from me. I was with them all morning, going that extra mile of following them in every room, just to spoil their surprise(Cheap me na!) and yet I was fooled. Adding to that, the cake cutting on…

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A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing that happened today.

A very sweet strange thing happened today. One of the girl who sits in the cubicle next to mine, was leaving HP today( She was here for a project from Mphasis). I must’ve spoken to her, say 4, at the max 5 times in last two months or so. She sits just next to me, but the after initial lunch meetings, I don’t really remember walking up to her and making an conversation. It was never more the customary hellos,hi!…

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Matlab Kya?

Matlab Kya?

This is what happened, actually has been happening for two days now! Yesterday. I parked my car, I usually call amma on my way to the reception and once i am in ladies room, I call Liz, ‘See u in cafe’. Thats my routine. Instead of calling amma, I called Liz and told her I’ll see her in a bit! After our usual chat and fun breakfast,I got to my cubicle. Later that evening “Arpita mein aaj jaldi jaa rahi…

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Hair Cut.

Hair Cut.

So, I got a hair cut, and the same story repeats. This time though, I got it an evening before the traditional day in office. I went short,really short. I think I am li’ll crazy, I like the idea of experimenting and then I sob.(not literally! Duh!) A & S they are over and above all this, they have had it for years now. They don’t even bother anymore ‘Its nice’,’It will look good in a day or two’.Stop it….

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Habba-Dance Group

Habba-Dance Group

I was tempted, tempted to get on the stage and shake a leg,while liz and her group practiced. One two front left, one two front left!( I just wish!) The choreographer, is one talented boy!He seemed to understand every dance form that was being discussed, Afro Jazz, Salsa wow! He has a put an good act together, they just need to practice a li’ll( Loads! Abhi tho, steps set kiya hai) to get it all right. While the other girl,…

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There is lots to write about! While I am waiting for Liz(whose busy with her dance ), soocha thoda hi sahi,kuch tho likhoon. 1. Love the new Vodafone Diwali offer Ad. I simply love “Meri raai mein auqa is the best color”. He is soooo adorable.These guys are just soo good with the content, the script! 2. Had been to Bikaner,Diwali was fun, he was missing,alright, I am supposed to be all I missed him, and I wish.. But Na,…

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