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Category: Friends



Women love shopping.Try as hard as we may, the temptation is soo stong, that we are pulled right back to it.It’s something, we just cannot see ourselves,not doing LOL!For us, Shopping is pretty much like our best friend, we can trust it to give us company, keep us occupied for hours together, keep us happy and pep us up when we are sad , just that, we gotta spend tiny miny(Ok, sometime a li’ll more than tiny miny)of money(but it’s…

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Age matters?

Age matters?

When you are in school,your friends are limited to same age group, back then anyone who is even a year older becomes bhaiya or didi , and you soo totally respect them(or hate them for being one!).Then you get into college, and there, the older ones, are now your seniors. Slowly , you start interacting with people ,out of the obvious age group circle, you start looking for like minded people, though, even in college the bhaivya,didi tag kinda stays,…

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Damn C and X

Damn C and X

This morning while working on QTP, i had a doubt.I opened our internal communicator, and double clicked on my male colleague’s name, who, i knew would be able to help me and then I typed “Hi, Can you please come here for a Sex“ That’s right!! Can you believe it? DAMN the keyboard, Damn the headphones( I was listening to loud music!), bloody C and X that are placed next to each other (QWERTY Keyboard). I wanted to tear that…

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Stalked ;)

Stalked ;)

I am being stalked!!. When most of them at work go like “Hey is this the red watch you wrote about?” or “What were you doing? Talking to yourself” followed by a wink “Where is that scratch?” Or for last 3 days when they were no updates friends, and family were like“Why are you not writing?” “Jaldi kuch likho” or “What’s wrong with you? Why no updates” Then. you are forced to think ,that you are being stalked :D.LOL.(Secretly, I…

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Crush on you?

Crush on you?

“I have a huge huge crush on you” and she smiled. Background. It had been 2 months, she had noticed him very closely. His arrogance, his attitude made him soooo tempting that most of the ladies on the floor fell for him.”He will say it soon” She told him. This was going to be tough,but she wasn’t going to give up easily. 30 mins earlier to “I have a huge to crush on you” “Ankhi what’s the update on that…

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Today was not one of my proud day’s. I managed to get this real big scratch on my car, and all this was my and my fault only. The pain I felt was so strong that the whole drive to chandini chowk, during the lunch,and afterwards I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Of course, he was as sweet and calm as he was when I first managed to loose cell,purse,almost the passport,”It’s a car after all, and they’ll always be…

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Perfect Plan: How to get her!

Perfect Plan: How to get her!

While talking to one of my guy friends, we hit upon the topic of how to vow a lady.This led to a very interesting revelation. He shared with me his well defined plan which has a success rate of 99.99%(he claimed 100). I couldn’t stop laughing at the end of it. GUYS!! And to think, we girls fall for most of it soo easily! He’s given me the permission to put it up here. Presenting to you the perfect plan…

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Meet J.

Meet J.

I happened to mention to him, that he would get a post in my ever famous blog and being true to my word,I am introducing him here. He learned it alright 🙂 ( You gotta bribe me one way or the other to get here ) No, I am not the shy kinda, who likes to meet people over the messenger, rather than have a face to face talk, but it easier and in the longer run, one way or…

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Me and Meri Maggi-III. Selection for Media and Print

Me and Meri Maggi-III. Selection for Media and Print

This evening I had the agency representing Maggi, visit my house.Our entry is one of the 4 entries selected through out Karnataka for Media and Print options for Maggi.Out of the 4 there will be selection and the selected one may be called for a screen test and guess what? If selected, you may appear in the Maggi Ad! They had an agreement paper,with all the “Photo may appear on Maggi Non Veg packs. We can re-use it for other…

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New Blogger On The Block

New Blogger On The Block

I wouldn’t take all the praises, but would like to think, just somewhere,somehow I have inspired her to take up blogging :). Welcome the new blogger on the block “Namrath“, a girl I met during my stay in “Aunty’s PG” and whose been a dear friend ever since. There are loads of “us” stories that fill one or other posts here, for now,you can catch her at

Me and Meri Maggi -II

Me and Meri Maggi -II

At 3 pm today , I received a mail from “Thank you for submitting your MAGGI experience which you can now view at To share it with your friends, simply forward this link.We will get back to you if your entry is selected“ That’s exciting, could it be just possible, by just some strike of luck, we may be on TV? Well, I shouldn’t be too excited,I just uploaded the pic and wrote the story, that made them…

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Me & Meri Maggi

Me & Meri Maggi

The other day Anvita and I got chatting (as usual) and she happened to share one of her maggi experiences. With the latest me & meri maggi doing the rounds on TV, i uploaded her story, here it is, as narrated to me. Fingers(toes) crossed!! “My story goes back to 2003 when I had just arrived in Banaglore from Raibareli,back then I did quite some part time event/promotional jobs. Swati,a friend, and I got late one day, by the time…

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A Sweet Gesture

A Sweet Gesture

I wanted to write about this the same day! Here it is a week later. The other day, someone happened to read my blog.I have been using this space to brood over his absence, bask in my achievement and just rant about life and all.Today,I am going to share a very sweet experience that came my way all because of this blogging. I am not a very friendly person in the first meeting, I take time to know, share and…

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Lost , Found and Fooled

Lost , Found and Fooled

Lost: 3 Found: 1 Fooled: 1Literally. I am veteran in loosing cell phone, not in a very a proud way, It just happens! But today in those 15 minutes, after a very long long time, i was upset and almost in tears, well i had just lost my sony erricsson and now I go loose Saurabh’s , which he had lent me. Dec 18, 2008Last but one day before the global shutdown, i lost my cell of almost 1 year….

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