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Category: Lifestyle

Trails: Discovery Park Loop

Trails: Discovery Park Loop

Yes I am finally coming to the father’s day celebration, I am almost close to the finish line, one more post and I will be finally done with summer 😬 Do you remember the Father’s Day Blooper? Yes, the same one where we, oh well fine, I goofed up big time! So, finally on the June 20th 2021, international Father’s day, we…… wait for it , did nothing ! Or that’s how the day started. The girls weren’t wee bit…

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July 4th : The Thunderbird Show.

July 4th : The Thunderbird Show.

Bear with me, I still haven’t caught up with all the pending posts from this summer. I am almost there, a few more and then I will be done with summer and start with all things fall hopefully!🤪 Coming back to this post, this year on 4th of July weekend, we went to the Thunderbird show held at Gig Harbor to watch some of the US military and historic planes take over the clear blue summer skies. I was excited…

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Crater Lake -The blue lake in Oregon

Crater Lake -The blue lake in Oregon

Remember how we left a night earlier than planned from our camping trip at Deception State Park? We left early from camping because the next day morning we were on our way to Eugene, a city in Oregon. Our destination-Crater Lake National Park, the only national park in all of Oregon! Interesting Fact: That weekend of June that we choose to visit the Crater National park turned out to one of be the hottest days in the recent history of…

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Camping: Deception State Park

Camping: Deception State Park

This is a long overdue post, to be precise this should have been my first post of this summer😬. Anyways here it is finally !! In the last week of June when the schools closed their doors for summer holidays, we went on our first ever camping trip 😄🎉! After the RV trip, S was a little wary about camping especially when it came to me , but to his surprise and mine, I utterly loved the whole experience of…

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Trails: Bluff Trail-Ebey’s Landing.

Trails: Bluff Trail-Ebey’s Landing.

As hustle bustle of daily school routine was just a week away we made no big plans for the long Labor Day weekend. It was supposed to be lazy weekend of chilling at home and catching up on Marvel movies. The weather however played a spoilsport to our plans, Sunday turned out to be a gorgeously warm day. After having lived in Seattle for over 5 years we now know better to make hay while sun shines. The guilt of…

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Happy Raksha Bandhan 2021

Happy Raksha Bandhan 2021

Raksha bandhan is a popular Hindu festival celebrated on a full moon day celebrating the bond between the siblings. Its an ancient tradition of honoring the relationship between brother and sister as sister ties a sacred thread around her brother’s wrist. Did you celebrate Raksha Bandhan this year?I have celebrated this festival since forever and now that I have two girl how can I not have them celebrate this one? This post cannot be complete without a mention about my…

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Happy 9th Birthday Ms. V

Happy 9th Birthday Ms. V

Ms. N got herself a birthday post,S got one for himself ,heck I wrote one for myself! It was a no brainer that Ms. V’s birthday would definitely get a mention here! Her 9th birthday celebrations finally wrapped up this weekend!I am so done and glad that there are no more birthdays until next year!!😅 I know!It’s all on me,I want that party for them,we do it for them and in the same breath curse ourselves for doing it!That is…

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Glacier National Park-Au Revoir

Glacier National Park-Au Revoir

Here it is!!The last post of the road trip that we set on from Seattle WA to the epic Glacier National Park MT. If you just landed on this page you may want to catch up on the The Beginning and The Middle ,this here is the final chapter of our 5 day road trip. Any guesses on what was the coolest part of day 4?It was… 🎉Ms. V’s birthday 🎉!! Yes,my not-so-little Lioness turned 9 that day😍 ,we had…

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Glacier National Park-le milieu

Glacier National Park-le milieu

Visiting the Glacier national park Montana has been one unforgettable experience. You can catch our onward road trip journey details here. The sheer grandness of the jagged snow capped mountain peaks, the numerous cascading waterfalls, the sparkling green-blue hued lakes, the grizzly bears and the iconic Going-to-the-sun road among many other things is why this park is rightly called the Crown of the Continent. Cool fact:Glacier national park along with bordering Waterton national park in Canada was designated as world’s…

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Glacier National Park-le début

Glacier National Park-le début

This July we went on a five days road trip to Glacier National park along with my friend Satya and her family, yes the same friends with whom we did our first RV Trip! Needless to say,we had an amazing time. Did you know that there are 63 national parks in USA?In the past five years we have covered Mount Rainier(WA),Olympic(WA) and Hawaiʻi Volcanoes(HI) national parks,this year we added the Crater Lake(OR) and Glacier(MT) national parks to the list. There…

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Trails: Lake 22

Trails: Lake 22

Last month, I hiked the Lake 22 trail with two of my girlfriends Satya and Panky.This will be one of the most memorable hikes of this summer for two reasons. One,it was my first girls only hiking trip and two,for someone who rarely drives on the freeway,I drove us at speed of 75-80 mph to and from the hike on a busy freeway,Yay🎉(under the expert guidance of Satya). On June 19th at about 7.15 am the three of us left…

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Life:Cousin’s visit

Life:Cousin’s visit

Hey there! How have you been ? I have been busy as you can tell! Finally I got some time this weekend to blog. I know I am running late on good 3-4 posts for the month of June , like 2 hikes, a camping trip, visit to Crater lake ,the thunder bird show and some more. And I will get to all of them.But for now, let’s talk about past two week. I had my first cousin Renu and…

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Montessori-Moving Up Ceremony

Montessori-Moving Up Ceremony

Thank you guys for loving my last post!To be honest I still laugh my head off just thinking about it ,I am glad you guys had a good laugh too 😂 If you can laugh at yourself,you are going to be fine.If you allow others to laugh with you,you will be great! Martin Niemoller Ms. V had what is called the “Moving Up Ceremony” in her school. Come this September she would be starting 4th Grade (O.M.G. I can’t even…

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Fake Father’s Day 2021

Fake Father’s Day 2021

The day of 6th June 2021 will go down in our family history as one of the best Father’s Day ever! No,seriously unless we top it up with another major blooper this it! Oh,yes you read it right, it was one big BLOOPER (Capitalizing for all the dramatic effects!). We celebrated Father’s day, with all the zing zang bang bang on Sunday 6th June,good two weeks earlier than the actual International Father’s day ,June 21st,because.. Well let me just layout…

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And she’s a black belt!

And she’s a black belt!

Drum rolls … is our very own 1st Dan Black Belt Ms. V! Last time I wrote a post she had just moved ranks, step closer to Black belt , she was a Sr. Red belt and here she is finally a✨ Black Belt,1st Dan ✨.In case you missed reading the previous post,may I suggest you to start from there.I have covered a lot of detail on what it entails to be a Black belt, and It would help you…

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