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Category: Rant

Rant : Ramblings

Rant : Ramblings

Good afternoon folks. I am here to rant, I am here to talk anything but children and family. Its been a while since I have come here and jotted down this funny conversation I had with a friend or S which kept me in splits for the entire day. Or spoke about that interesting piece of news that caught my eye or that Instagram post/reel that perfectly resonated with how I feel about certain situations. I just want to come…

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Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

Rant: Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken

“There is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake, and a person who hurts you by continuing a pattern. Mistakes can be forgiven, Patterns should be broken“- somebody on Instagram ! Just one of those days when a Instagram gives you these pearls of wisdom that lead you down the path of introspection. Now, when I started blogging again this year, one of my early posts was about one such incident in particular where I…

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You are just done!

You are just done!

“Losing respect for someone, is always a weird thing ,you don’t hate the person, you just don’t feel the need to ever speak to them ,again or even think about them in the same way. You are just done” How apt is this? Please raise your hands or rather give me a  thumbs up👍 (courtesy zoom meetings!). How many of you have felt this way ? One too many times perhaps? These lines were not written by me, but it resonates…

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Online Detoxing..

Online Detoxing..

*Wrote this one way back in 2015…It’s unfinished yet it still makes sense, even today 4 years later**You log-in just for a sneak peek and the next thing you know? You have been at it for hours! Once in awhile you need your space.You need to back down and just be offline. One fine day,I came across this article on how a people are completely cutting off from anything that is even remotely close to being online(twitter,instagram, facebook,pinterest,quroa etc),online Detoxing,…

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This one was lying in my draft for days now, I just couldn’t muster the courage to post it! Somehow,today I found it in me to do it, maybe the days gone by have made my heart lighter. Just few lines…. An act of revenge , they said. Is your soul at peace? Do you feel vindicated? 130 and more innocent children massacred in the name of revenge. You had the power to stop it!  Look up , look down, look in…

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I have been busy the entire week, busy, getting inspired, by the countless blogs everywhere. Last week as we were catching up, R insisted that I install Bloglovin, and so I did!Creativity galore, some of the blogs are absolutely breath taking, it also dawned upon me of how, seriously people take this space.Blogs are no longer about just penning down your thoughts, its about attracting the right crowd, getting the traffic and also,but making money. Yup, some big bucks!!Its now…

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Who is to be blamed?

Who is to be blamed?

In last 3 weeks I must have used OLA  at least 10 times, so convenient so easy. Book with just One click and zoom away to your destination. No sweating out trying to hail a rick, or haggling with the driver, free from dust and pollution , all this at unbelievable price. Initially when the word got out about these affordable taxi’s, I was  very apprehensive really a taxi service that frees you from daily kich kich of auto waals. Honestly it…

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Its a new day

Its a new day

One day , just one day can take away everything you believed in. That one day may look like the worst but as it sinks in its that day that has helped you realize and appreciate the beauty, the beauty called Life.You are hurt and there is everything you’ll do to stop that pain. You’ll wish for the fear goes away. You stop believing in you, you are scared ,every move you make you check twice, every thought that crosses your mind,…

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Love happens once and Lust!, well over and over again. Yeah rite! I don’t think so. Here is my take ‘Love happens over and over again, well Lust just keeps happening’ he he he. Come on,do you really believe in ‘Love can happen just once’ Honestly. There is a thin line between the two. We’ll talk about that some other day. Today we talk about love. Think hard and then think again.keep thinking, till you are convinced that Love happens…

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Why do I see everything as black and white

Why do I see everything as black and white

We have been talking,about relationships,about men and women and yet again, my inexperience stares at me right back or is it really my inexperience? Why do I see everything as black and white, and yet they keep telling me that its all Grey! Its easier to be in a f* up situation and yet blame it on your heart! Ok, so we do, but really are you enjoying this attachment? And if you are, why shed those tears? Forgiveness. So…

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3 idiots

3 idiots

3 idiots! Well, most of us would agree that its a brilliant movie,so when I got an offer to watch it the third time! I didn’t even bat my eyelids before saying Yes! It was the part of b’day treat with the evening winding up in dinner.Needn’t have to say,it was the delightful company of the two that made it so wonderful(Duh! I have to, before I can mention the actual thing)!If I had to a pick a moment in…

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Don’t ask me what I am getting at! I don’t know either he he . I just picked pieces from my unpublished posts, and here I am posting them in one single post! So if you are looking for some logical flow,anything that makes sense, you are going to be seriously disappointed! In life not everything has a straight answer, not everything can be black or white, or like most software engineers would say 0 or 1.While we try and…

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Over a glass of cold coffee, we had a wonderful time, while I was ranting about stuff, he started off with the word. Imbalance.I found it hard to refute to his views, mostly because I didn’t want to. Just one of those days, when you just want to hear someone out. Just listen. Comprise,adjustment tend to lead to imbalance in an relationship (read a woman and man).When one tends to make adjustments, followed by another and yet another, it reaches…

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Sometimes,words truly fail you

Sometimes,words truly fail you

Sometimes,words truly fail you. Nothing you say can stop those tears, take away the pain, erase those memories. To get over the past, to stop the pain one has to suffer, and sometimes it has to be all alone.But then, somewhere peeping out is face, checking on you, keeping a tab on your crying, knowing when to come out and give you a hug! Hug, that says ‘Its ok to cry,it will be alright. It will be over soon’. Deep…

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The Accident

The Accident

Yes, I met with an accident! Yet again! Both of us were at fault(he hit my car, but then again!),anyways its the drama that continued for good 40 mins after the hit that’s worth a post! My car was hit,really hit hard, and then out of no experience of how to handle the situation, I came out, threw my hands up in the air and gestured “Whats this sir?”. That was it,that one gesture, and things just went out of…

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