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Category: Rant

Second chance?

Second chance?

Do you believe in second chances? In giving one, and getting one? We are not perfect, sometimes however hard one tries, there are somethings that are left unsaid, words that you wish you had shared, expressed yourself, done that one right thing. Some do get their second chance in life and some just don’t.Some deserve, some don’t.Some screw up again, some sleep over it.



I have grown up? There were times, when I sort of cringed at the idea of getting too close (read physical intimacy) before marriage(this sort of legalizes all that!). Today while Anvita and I were talking about this topic that happened to pop up while while we were on our way to movie, we realized how the two of us have moved on from those girls who chastised the ones who did that to, to the ones believe that it’s…

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I don’t know!

I don’t know!

I am confused, there is this trail of thought, I want to write, write something that I believe in, and then someone comes along (sometimes, its serial/movie) and rakes my line of thought. This has been a very difficult one to write about. Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith Grey, she is in love and then confused, and then she backs out ,but then again, she wants him, but now man is confused, which confuses her of her feeling for him Wow! and…

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*This was supposed to come out last evening,I wrote all of it, but couldn’t post it! This is the first time I have fallen sick since he has left for Cal. I have been running slight fever on and off. When I am sick, i have to be pampered, taken care of, just like a kid! I know I am old enough to take care of one :), I guess everyone seeks for attention when sick and tends to get…

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Can things go back to being normal?

Can things go back to being normal?

Can things go back to being normal? When you get close to someone, you take somethings for granted. Its just understood, but then if one of you questions it, what do you do? Do you stop being yourself. Do you create space between each other? Space.Will that solve the problem? Or do you talk about it? Talking. Will that help? Words are very powerful. They can cause a rift or they can fix it. Saying it right. Choosing the right…

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Anger feeds on ego and ego

Anger feeds on ego and ego

Sometimes whatever you do, you just cant forgive somethings. Sometimes however hard you try you just cant look past the scars. Scars that just deepen with time.Hatred is a very strong emotion.Hatred feeds on anger. Anger feeds on ego and ego, ego eats on relationships.

Happiest Moment

Happiest Moment

I have not been lazy, just that my routine has sort of changed and by the time I am home, I am too tired to write one. Earlier, rushed to home by 5,but now, I am home by 7-8ish.By the time I decide to start writing its very late and am very sleepy! like right now, i can barely keep my eyes open!! I am making an sincere effort to get back to writing everyday.I’ll keep this one short. The…

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English, will, hardwork!

English, will, hardwork!

I want to write, but then its one of those days when I just cant put my mind to it.There are so many things that are running thro’ but when I try to pen them down,I loose the thought. Off late, I haven’t been reading much either, and this includes newspaper too. I scramble thro’ the front page, and skip all that is in between and finally only read the editorial section.Then I grab Bangalore mirror( its truly not worth…

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Am I taking it well?

Am I taking it well?

Alright in 2 days, i have had two people tell me, you really have handled the distance well. I haven’t been sad, brooding or crying about this for good some time now,guess its showing on me 🙂 There are days, when ,I just miss not having him around.But, yes from what it was like 3 months ago, things have been better. For one, i have started looking beyond the distance. Two, I have been really trying to connect with lot…

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Looks Matter ?

Looks Matter ?

Today someone asked me ‘How important are looks?’. I knew why he asked me that(though he didn’t say it out loud).I am not an expert with relationships or otherwise, I just know that, when you feel it in your heart, you know it’s right, it’s meant to be Looks matter! but you decide to what extent. It solely depends on you, are you in for a relationship or are you just in for fun.If it’s fun, then always go for…

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Age matters?

Age matters?

When you are in school,your friends are limited to same age group, back then anyone who is even a year older becomes bhaiya or didi , and you soo totally respect them(or hate them for being one!).Then you get into college, and there, the older ones, are now your seniors. Slowly , you start interacting with people ,out of the obvious age group circle, you start looking for like minded people, though, even in college the bhaivya,didi tag kinda stays,…

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You are lying outright, if you say ‘I don’t gossip’ Bull shit!! That’s right, everyone does it, one way or the other!! Anyways, I am not here to patronize anyone, thought that would make an impressive opening line he he he. So, the other day, I went for lunch, with this old group of mine. Most of them are singles,guys! It started with ‘yaar tumarhe saath, har doosre din ek nayi laadki dikhti hai!” “Kya! ab mein kya karoon! Log…

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Distance does create space. However hard you try, there are moments that just cant shared over the phone.What do you then? How do you close in on that space? Not all can be expressed in words, slowly as time passes, you make peace with yourself.It then reaches a point where it tends to become a burden, and suddenly you are this bitter, cold and angry person. You try hard , hard not to be cold, to be your happy yourself….

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Sun Signs.

Sun Signs.

What are the odds of having the same discussion with two people of the same sun sign in succession, one week after the other? Totally unintended,it just happened. The difference? Both had a very different point of view. Me? I choose the middle ground. While I bullied and kinda convinced her, he tried the same on me, well almost(I got myself out it, clever me ;)!) She said “80% of a person’s personality attributes to his/her sun sign”, while he…

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Women go thro’ this very month, its just the way things are! Does that mean during that week we are suddenly untouchables? Alright, so way back,they had reasons(hygenic, rituals) and decided women should not enter the kitchen, or the pooja room and God only knows what not!! I come from a family, where this isn’t a big deal,in fact, my dad goes that extra mile to make sure that I get good rest and get all the attention, but ,don’t…

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