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Category: Movie

Review:Ajeeb Daastaans

Review:Ajeeb Daastaans

Genre:Drama Anthology (4 stories) Duration: 2.22 hours Network:Netflix Released: April 2021 Following the latest trend of anthology in bollywood, comes yet another anthology of four unique twisted short stories revolving around the theme of interpersonal relationships.Out of the four stories,two stories deserve a mention.If not for the stories Geeli Pucchi and Ankahi,I wouldn’t have bothered with this review. I would recommend skipping the first two and starting from the 3rd story. Geeli Pucchi Geeli Pucchi directed by Neeraj Ghaywan,brings to…

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Review: Girl on the train (2021).

Review: Girl on the train (2021).

Genre: Thriller Drama. Duration: 120 minutes Network: Netflix. Released: February 26th. Girl on the train (2021), an Netflix original is a remake of a 2016 movie of the same name starring Emily Blunt which was adapted from the best selling novel by Paula Hawkins “The Girl on the Train”.Phew 😅. Unfortunately,this version falls flat on its face.You are treated to a half baked, poorly executed , hurried version of the original.It’s a shame, really. A brilliant opportunity wasted. The book,an…

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The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars

Two days ago I happen to watch The fault in our stars , one of S’s rare recommendation!  Oh, what a lovely movie! You end up wanting to be utterly hopelessly in love, just like  one of my all time fav  you’ve got mail. Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, you just want to fall in love over and over again Omg!! oming back to Fault in our stars,Hazel Grace, the protagonist played by Shailene Woodley is also the narrator, walking us through her story  & Oh,what…

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The way home

The way home

2002 Korean movie,though the movie  is about love of a grandmother for her grandson, it goes beyond the obvious,sometimes all you have to do is be true to yourself. Unconditional love,It always comes back. Watch it. Kentucky Chicken!

Wake up Sid

Wake up Sid

I want to write about it.I loved the movie, excellent role playing by Ranbir, hands down, but the thing that actually caught my attention for the entire 2.30 hours (apart from Ranbir) were the colors and creative interiors. Bright, vibrant, energetic, youthful look. Mumbai Beats office, Konkana’s house, Ranbir’s Board. The wall in Konkana’s room, that has strings running, a photo,a memory that keeps finding its place there, I liked all of it, the lamp that hangs by the window,no…

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