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Category: Short Story



If Rana ever posed her a question about her favorite time of the day, Laila would have her answer ready! “Dawn ! Dawn is my favorite time of the day” ! Rana, her 6 year old every other day amused Laila with her endless “What is your favorite…?” questions. More often than not Laila would find herself struggling, thinking for minutes at end before she would come up with an response. But no, not for this one question. Dawn Dawn,…

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Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew

What is your favorite memory of you reading a book? asked Rana, grabbing a Nancy Drew from the shelf. Laila was taken aback by this innocent yet thought provoking question from her 10 year old daughter. Rana was going through this phase where every other sentence coming from her began with “What is your favorite….”. “hmm.. that’s an interesting question. Let me think for a minute…” said Laila. Most days Laila would say something silly in response and Rana would…

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Story: Ron and Jane

Story: Ron and Jane

“Every summer we would go by the river with our grandchildren and she always made their favorite chicken and ham pie” he reminisced as tears trickled down his cheeks. Sam had moved in to her new apartment just a month ago, Aakash’s work got them to London recently. She had no friends here. Then Sam met Ron, her 70 year old neighbor in the lift one day, as she was heading out to get the groceries. He was headed to…

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Story: Moving on….

Story: Moving on….

Shane had been distant this morning he had rather left in a hurry, it was because of the conversation they had last night. Relationships aren’t as easy at they seem it takes two to Tango. Its takes hard work and trust in your partner to get that imperfectly perfect dance routine that’s just yours. She should know, after all she was once married. It had been 3 years since her divorce, Raj, her ex-husband had been her best buddy for…

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Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

Fire in the mountain,Run Run Run

S and V were already out and heading for the stairs. I rushed out of my 18th floor apartment, not before grabbing the keys  and an old sweater that was lying around  thank god for common sense. It was the fire alarm,it had been  on for good 5 minutes. The first reaction ,was that of  dismissal, Could be a false one. Ever since V’s birth,we are conscious of safety rules, so when the alarm refused to stop, we rushed out without…

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Half of the jaanta alighted at Marathali. There are just few men here and there. Each one waiting for their destination. Its a old rickety bus,the engine sound drowning every sound in its vicinity. The conductor is lurking around the front door.  She had just made herself comfortable when suddenly a figure clad in yellowish salwaar kameez seats herself next to Anusha. Its a tiny seat, sharing one meant that they were tight on space. She doesn’t complain, its a bus one can sit…

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Do you like the smell of …..?

Do you like the smell of …..?

On our way to office today,while Vivek was swirling his car through the traffic and I was staring into nowhere, a conversation had started in the background  The love for weird smells… Pause. A little background Since Vivek has joined HP I have been taking these free rides to office. It started with OK I can take a break from driving once in a week to almost everyday (so far they haven’t complained!!). And while I am almost a regular,…

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Three Words..

Three Words..

With 3 words I tried something new. There were some who liked it while they were the others, who, down right criticized it. And then, they were most of you who just couldn’t figure it out, I left you confused! What did I think of my work? I thought I was great he he he. I really did. I need to improve on my lines, but I loved the way I put across the story. Alas, it didn’t strike a…

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3 Words

3 Words

I have been procrastinating for long now. Here is a impromptu one. Please god! Let it be today! digging into the Double cheese juicy hamburger, Jennine smiled at the thought it. She had been waiting for just the words. Rumors were out for a week now. 3 words. Happiness could be contained only by binging on calories. Few days earlier, she had seen unhappy Jessica running out of his office. The big mouth had gone ahead and given enough juicy…

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ankhon hi ankhon mein

ankhon hi ankhon mein

That afternoon he was in the company of two pretty ladies dinning at a well known restaurant.‘I just cant believe you never fell in Love, give us something!’ Lekha insisted. Aarohi had given up, 6 months and he still hadn’t opened up.That day he did. Mumbai, 1988Rudransha made it a point to visit the library every day. It was here he spent time with his true love. Books; he loved reading from history to fiction to drama.The best time of…

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Pyaar Vyaar

Pyaar Vyaar

He always said the right words, always made the right move. He could have any girl he wanted, but his eyes were fixed on this one.  I don’t care attitude, made her desirable. She knew he checked her out everyday, and he always caught her looking at him. There was an unspoken chemistry between the two. It’s not like people didn’t notice, they did, but they got it all wrong. While they kept looking at this unspoken relationship as an…

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It’s not meant to happen

It’s not meant to happen

He was in love with her.  He never let her know how he truly felt about her As days passed, both of them started working on their final semester project, Samira, her best friend had noticed the change in him, she knew for certain that, as the days to graduation got closer, it would get really difficult for Raghav to hide his true feelings from Meera . Samira, Meera,Veer and Rahgav had been project mates for all 4 years. Raghav…

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Shekar and Meera

Shekar and Meera

Shekar and Meera were in a live in relationship. All the rules had been laid out  perfectly, the rules were simple, each one had a separate room, every bill and chore would be equally divided. It was love for books that got them close,4 years on, while the romance was loosing its fizz. It was a no hassle relationship, neither one was expected to attend to each others relatives, parents were exceptions. Friends, family were warned against the ‘marriage’ saga!…

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‘I can’t even talk to her. What should I tell her? Will she understand? I don’t even know if I understand it myself.’ these thoughts had been haunting Shurti for a week now. Mayank and she had been had been together for 2 years now.Just until few months ago,since his promotion as BDM for Asia pacific region, he had been living out of his suitcase. The little time that he did get, he caught up on lost sleep, and the…

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He is mine

He is mine

“Can you have feelings for two people at the same time?”Aahana was surprised, a guy who was always so confident about every decision he took, was suddenly so helpless.Staring at sky ,running his fingers over and over his hair, Ankit looked like the little boy who had just lost his puppy. Aahana, his best buddy since sixth grade, had nodded her head in approval when he showed her the diamond ring for Megha.She and Ankit were soul mates, just not…

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