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Category: Short Story



“I am soo embarrassed right now!! I just looked up this word, that I soo confidently used it during one of the conversations which sooo does not mean what I wanted to say! I am at loss of words” This was Aarti, speaking to herself!! The other day, at an official dinner, while talking,they hit upon this topic of reality shows,and she seemed to have read this word somewhere ‘voyeurism’ and all she remembered it had to do with ‘peeping…

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The Fight

The Fight

“You are sleeping here tonight!” She threw the pillow and the blanket on the sofa and stormed out of the room. Same day, few hours earlier. Sameer was to leave for the US for a month long project the next day. He wanted her to travel with him, but given that she was working too, it didn’t work out.This was going to be her first long separation from him ,since marriage. A Christan banglorean, married to delhi guy, a year…

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Love in 15 days.

Love in 15 days.

Leading interior designer Saakashi, shares her lover story with us today. “It was just meant to happen! I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner” As narrated to us, this one is from her to all our viewers! Read on. “Vikas, woh laadka smart laag raha hai” That was me, looking at this guy is blue jeans and grey round neck T. Hadn’t seen him arnd earlier. We had a pact, I spot the pretty ones and he helps…

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Mr and Mrs.

Mr and Mrs.

Raj Punj, was a breath of fresh air, looker, good dresser, great talker, he always said the right thing. She hadn’t realized it, until one day when Raj asked to come over s, she ran to ladies room to check on herself. Perfect, a dash of gloss, she walked to his seat. Why did she go do that? Why did she off late, always find reasons to be around him? She couldn’t tell. 2 months earlier. Soon after his first…

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Do min baad

Do min baad

He kept checking his messenger, the status was still idle. It was half past 11, manager had already hovered around his desk and caught him staring at the messenger,twice!! He couldn’t concentrate, the status should have changed to ‘available’ at 10! . Should I give a call and check? Na, why should I ?and what am I supposed to say? Hi, I was wondering why you weren’t online? Yeah rite! and make a fool of myself. talking to himself, something…

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Nikita(Niki),Rohit,Aaakash (Aki) and their families Nikita and Rohit were going steady for more than a year now. Nikita a maharastrian and Rohit a tamilian bhramin first met in Reading UK, Nikita was pursuing her post graduation in literature then, Rohit was there with his cadre. Commoder Iyer always wanted his son’s to join the armed forces. Rohit the youngest of 3 brothers, loved the uniform, the life and joined Army soon after his 12th. It was during his second year…

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You have a got a mail

You have a got a mail

Sipping hot tea and ,blogging about that stupid mail guy who had lost her letter the third time, there was suddenly a pop up on her screen “You have a got a mail”. she switched to the other tab where gmail was already open. The mail was from her college batch mate, it had been ages since the two of them had interacted. After college they were just handful of them that she was in touch with, this one wasn’t…

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Good Friends?

Good Friends?

Its not difficult to spot a good friend syndrome.It started with we are just ‘good friends’, a customary ‘hi’ and then started the Long talks way past midnight planning of the whole day keeping his calender appointments on mind, Shopping for his best friends wedding, Picking up his laundry while he was at office Bunking because he was down with fever. Going that extra mile to say ‘sorry’ when actually he is at fault. Jealous when you see him with…

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This story belongs to him and his better half . While I choose to just highlight one of the many humans emotions that we all experience in this story. Fiction or Truth. You decide.Girlfriend always complained of , how he didn’t have too many friends and how other couples just couldn’t get enough of their friend circle and all the fun things they did! They had fun alright, and there was never a dull weekend, but then there was always…

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I have a very interesting story to tell. While this belongs to a very sweet girl and her experience one night.I’ll try to stick to the truth for most of the part,thoda masala tho baanta hai ;). One late evening, working her ass of in office, she wondered how long before she could get home and enjoy the warmth of her bed. This had been the story for few weeks now, and with weekend coming it didn’t seem fair that…

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