Compliments or not?

Compliments or not?

I am not the conventional pretty kind, neither do I fit in the tall,slim, beautiful category.(Saurabh would disagree, he has no choice! he he he)

Today , a colleague tells me “You are looking like a barbie doll” it was sweet, but LOL, I mean , how can I possibly with my current hair style (that I find so hard to keep in control, and they are not even close to Barbie’s LOL!),and knowing that today was the one of those days, look nice! Forget about looking nice, a doll?( I am guessing its her pregnancy that made her say this!). Honestly, I felt very nice :), she made my day when I least expected it.

This was the most original compliment,even he has not been this creative(though they were some that completely floored me! na na I am not giving them out, they were just for my ears :))

There are 2 that I distinctly rem’m from college . one was on the first day, out of nowhere I got a chit “hey beautiful, what’s your name?” cheesy! OMG!! The auditorium was jam packed,guys were literally falling on each other and only that guy knows how he managed to get this thro them LOL. Of course I threw if off !!

I was one of the comperes for the annual day function(last sem),and got a tad nervous(I had not done this before, I just happened to get selected!! My partner went missing, he supposedly had a fight with his girlfriend, and I was to present the very next day) So I decided to talk it out “Anusha,when you get on the stage,anyways people wont be listening, they’ll be busy looking at you. “ Excuse me? That’s what I got from Prof!! Shit, that was soo embarrassing and soo not a compliment that I enjoyed!

Imagine a guy who wears yellow pants, red shirt, thick glasses(No, I am not making this up) follows you for 2 years everywhere in the college, and not say a word, the only thing that you get is a card on valentines day “I Love you” sheesh! Coming from B’bay and a co-ed it was really easy to ignore him, though come to think of it now, If only he would have talked it out, I prob could have helped him see the light! he he he.

This was sweet. you know you have just entered teens,and suddenly boys get all different! Me and this guy were thick friends,and I loved teasing him with this cute tomboyish girl, only to realize few days before I was to leave B’bay for ever that he liked me! ah, idiot! I don’t know if I even understood the feeling of liking, but I rem’m I couldn’t look into his eyes and talk to him ever after that!

I dont rem’m anything! he he he, though I am sure there would have been a really cute boy who probably line maaroed on me 🙂

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