Conversation : Thank You

Conversation : Thank You

Welcome to the new series. Conversations. We all enjoy a good talk , with pandemic in our lives for over a year now, phone calls have become a integral part of our daily routines, be it with a friend, a family member or just your colleague. More often than not, we slip into some thought provoking conversations . There are times when you agree and then there are times when you just want to scream out and say your piece.

Either which way, you need them. This new series is about those daily conversations you had with a friend(s) , co worker, family.

Here is a snippet of one such conversation that I had with a friend recently. It was the end of her day and mine was just about starting, she sounded tired and not like her usual enthusiastic self. Well, specially now because of pandemic, mothers have the added task of helping the kids with remote schooling.

Her tiredness was explained, at least in my mind. We did the usual catch up.

Not taking away from the fact that dads help a lot, they do chime in, but at the end of the day its us, the mommies who end up doing more ok lets be honest here a lot more when it comes to kids. Its been the unspoken rule of nature since forever. Exceptions do apply to these rules , rarely.

“How are things otherwise? Between the two of you?” I asked her.

“Its calm ,peaceful , I am in the better half of 35 and I can’t and shouldn’t be taken for granted.” remembering a little episode she had recently with her better half.

“Learn to look away and if something makes you happy do it for you and on days you don’t want to ignore it ” assuming that this still had to do with the usual pandemic lethargy setting in.

And then she said “Oh, its not that , I am just saying, I would love a little compliment coming my way , specially when I don’t ask for it. Just come in and say Thank You! ”

and she continued “Don’t suddenly look down on my views , ask me about my opinion and give them the credit they deserve.”

“Yes we all need that, don’t we? To be appreciated, to be heard!” I chimed in and we continued to chat a little more on this and just got swayed on to other things.

However the thought stayed with me.

How many of us have been here? What do we all need at the end of the day? In companionships you need to motivate each other , appreciate your better half and take that one moment to say Thank You, whenever you can.

We are scared , knowing that while we are busy being mommy, somewhere our identity is being forgotten for who we truly are . We are mom’s and more.

Right now, knowingly unknowingly , your partner is forgetting it too. Pandemic certainly isn’t helping. With everyone home and playing busy , relationships require that extra effort more today than ever.

In a moment like this, a compliment goes a long way. Just sitting down sans the kids and listening to your spouse’s thoughts is all it takes. Give them the due they deserve.

It was just an conversation between two friends and such an important one. Do you have such conversations? What would you tell your friend?

6 thoughts on “Conversation : Thank You

  1. We need to consciously and consistently make an effort to appreciate little things the partner/ spouse does. It’s the little things that matter the most.

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