Conversations: The Kiss

Conversations: The Kiss

It all started with this caught-in-an-embarrassing-moment-during-virtual-meetings kind of video that landed in my chat messenger one morning.

This one was funny, in this video a man is intently explaining his work when suddenly his partner unaware that the camera is on tries to sneak in a kiss. The man appears to be visibly shocked, firstly to be caught unaware and secondly because everyone on the meeting has now witnessed the little kiss act. He just looks at her in disbelief “What nonsense are you doing, the camera is on!” .

All she wanted to was give him a peck, unfortunately for her the camera was on!! LOL, cutely hilarious.

With your partner just a door away , sparks are sure to fly. But, are these sparks reciprocated ? That’s the real question. I shared the video with my friends along with a message that read “Who has tried this at home? Raise your hands please?” LOL.

This video hit a soft spot for everyone. With work-from-home being a reality for more than a year now , everyone had something to add. Oh my, what followed was a laugh riot.

Here are some funny ones from our chats….

“I so much as take a step in his direction during the work hour, I get the what nonsense look !. He’s always scared wondering what tricks I may pull on him. ” Don't even think about it LOL.

“He can sense my presence even when I am standing outside the closed door. He starts speaking louder just to let me know he’s busy” hahaha beware.

“The moment I open the door, his fingers goes on his lips , shushing me…. , I am in meeting “. There goes the kiss LOL.

“I would never try this because it won’t stop there . We will end missing quite some meetings !!” Omg that so could happen.

“This lady reminds me of me! I could totally embarrass him by tricking to pull this trick” You go girl!

“I enter the room, eyebrows rise ,eyes widen . That’s a sign, meeting is on” hahah I can so relate to this!

You know, what would be interesting? Hearing what the men have to say ?I bet they would have some very interesting responses to our reactions on this video.

What was S’s response when I showed him this video? Go figure!! This video made my day. A good laugh with friends.

Which one did you relate to? Let me know in the comments below. We can all do with some laughs. As always, thank you for stopping by!

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