

If Rana ever posed her a question about her favorite time of the day, Laila would have her answer ready! “Dawn ! Dawn is my favorite time of the day” !

Rana, her 6 year old every other day amused Laila with her endless “What is your favorite…?” questions. More often than not Laila would find herself struggling, thinking for minutes at end before she would come up with an response. But no, not for this one question.


Dawn, when the night sky is makes way for the morning light; a hue of darkness, a hint of light peaking through the sky and the profound silence lingering over the horizon – was her most favorite magical time of the day .

Dawn, flock of birds flying above the mountain during sunset

Dawn – when the night sky makes way for the morning light

At 5am every day as Laila steps out in to her backyard with Whiskey, her 1 year old Labrador, she holds on to the silence like a girl embracing her lover, refusing to let go of his hold, surrendering herself completely to nature, breathing in the air that fills her up with joy and hope for every day.


Today the ground is wet from last night’s downpour. The air is carrying a familiar smell one that reminds her of childhood home. She looks up at the sky as it turns a shade lighter. She tugs slightly on to her sweater, pulling it closer to her chest as she watches the tall majestic evergreen tree sway to the morning breeze

Whiskey’s soft bark brings her back to the moment, the little puppy is ready to go back in. But Laila wants to hang on a minute longer. In silence, her thoughts find their voice. Some are louder than the rest.

Her mind going back to the conversation she had with her friend few weeks ago.

A note on Dawn

I wrote this post sometime in February 2023, it has since been lying in the drafts folder with other 50 unfinished posts , waiting for me to pick up my pen and complete my thoughts…. alas I don’t remember where I was headed with this story.

This here is the incomplete story waiting for it’s end.

As I waited..

As I waited outside V’s class today, I couldn’t help but smile scrolling through my unfinished drafts. So many little stories waiting for me.. some of them dating back to 2009.

Perhaps one day, I will clear up my ever pending posts. For now, I wanted to thank this one friend who last week reminded me of of joy of writing.

Here’s to my year- the year of 2024!

I could go back in the direction I had come from, or I could go forward in the direction I intended to go” ~ Unknown

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