Dear January

Dear January

Good evening. Can I ask you a question today ? When was the last time you wrote a letter ? Pause. Take a moment. Ready with your answer ?

Are you smiling ? Did it bring back some fond memories? Hold on to that memory for bit. Enjoy this moment for a bit. What’s the hurry ? 😊

I have enjoyed writing letters for as I long as I can remember. Reading a letter always brings back fond memories of past.

This post here is my first humble attempt at starting a series that has been playing on my mind for few months now. The format may change as time passes . For now I just wanted to write a letter.

Dear January,

Did you know you are called the Monday of the months? Oh well I just found that out today 🤪.

Can you believe it’s already February ? I am not sure how I feel about that. It was just yesterday I was ringing in the new year with my friends and already a month has passed.

What did I achieve this month? Am I any closer to what I set out to achieving ? These are some questions I ponder upon as I sit down on my table to write this letter to you.

Anyhow, let’s start with what did happen this month. We started with modified quarantine for V (no in person activities except going to school). Three out of four weeks V has been under modified quarantine. It’s not fair, when will this end ? she exclaimed, when I informed her of yet another confirmed COVID positive case last week.

It upset her that she had to take her Tae Kwon Do classes on zoom yet again. I fully recognize the privilege here, when the children in India are still on full remote learning. But how do you explain that to a child? She has a right to express her disappointment.

My darling N is getting cuter and delicious by the day. oh and her talks! No one loves me anymore she said with a straight face the other day as she watched Ginger getting all the attention from us😂. We all had a good laugh that day thanks to her !

This start of the month was pretty much about getting back to routine. The 5 am mornings , no more late sleep-ins. And with the routine back I got back to exercising.

Riding Peloton has been a rejuvenating change after the monotonous treadmill walk for good second half of 2021. I tried a Tabata workout for the first time and boy did I love the adrenaline rush !

The walks with Ginger are the most refreshing part of my day, as I catch up on my quota of books. Listening to The Palace of Illusions this month was the best part of the walk.

I made few promises to myself at the start of the month .And before I say them aloud here I want to see myself making true on those promises.

January as I end this letter, I want you to know you have been kind and patient in the best way you could. Until we meet again, adios.

You never fail until you stop trying – Albert Einstein



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