Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Hi there,my girls are home this entire week for spring break.Sadly both the girls came down with a cold just as their break started and now we are basically home abound trying to make the best of the remaining few days.We did the egg hunt few days ago.

Just as I was exposed to many different Indian festivals while growing up, my girls too are getting introduced to many new festivals and traditions from around the world.As they grow in this multicultural multiracial environment some of these traditions are bound to become a part of our lives.

This year we read the Easter story,just so that they understand and appreciate why this day is celebrated worldwide.While we don’t celebrate Easter,my girls love the egg hunt.

Egg hunt is an outdoor game for kids,where they find,collect and fill their easter baskets with decorated eggs that are filled with sweets and/or treats.Egg hunt while fun can also be quite educative.

Egg hunt also makes for a great way to practice Maths concepts for your preschoolers.Throughout the hunt,N was counting,comparing sizes and quantities of eggs all while she was having fun.And then there is all the opening and closing of the eggs which makes for an excellent motor dexterity activity for toddlers not to forget it’s also great way to learn and recognize the colors!

On Saturday we filled the eggs with treats in hopes of the hunt on Easter Sunday.The filling of eggs was no easy task,the candies were counted then divided making sure each egg gets equal share of the candies.Sneaky V however filled some of the eggs with a little extra candies and marked them while poor N looked away😂.

Unfortunately for the girls,Easter Sunday fell on rather a cold day so instead of damping their spirits I had them wear the bunny ears and pose for me!V had the brilliant idea of having the hunt in the house!No,thank you,there was no way I was going have them running and rummaging around through things to find those eggs 😛.

So we waited for next day.

Monday morning,I finally declared that we would have the hunt in the backyard.I sent them up and hid the eggs in some easy spots for N and not-so-easy spots for V.At 2pm when the sun was shining bright the girls started their hunt.Excited,running,screaming as they devised a plan to first find the small ones followed by the big ones.

I followed them from a distance,giggling as they missed some obvious spots and confusing them when they were close to some.Hunt later,we came back in with the loot,which sadly for them was promptly confisticated with a promise that they can have it once they are all better! 😈

If even for a second you believe that the egg hunt ends with Easter then you are sadly mistaken.Once the eggs enter your house,they leave only months later!Unbeknown to me the eggs were taken to their room,filled with some word puzzle that V devised and then were hid in every corner of every room 😑 for me to find!

One fine day after having seen those eggs for umpteenth time,when they are not home I will hide them away for good or better dump them in recycle *Evil Mommy Rules* Lol.

Until then every few days,N will hide a few for me to find!I prefer her April Fool’s jokes over this anyday LOL!S never bothers because he conveniently hides away in his office!!

That was Easter Egg hunt on our spring break for us.Do your children enjoy the Easter Egg hunt?If you celebrate Easter,I hope you had a lovely time with your family as you celebrated this every important festival.

Did you watch anything interesting lately?Let me know.I am due for a review !

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