Fake Father’s Day 2021

Fake Father’s Day 2021

The day of 6th June 2021 will go down in our family history as one of the best Father’s Day ever! No,seriously unless we top it up with another major blooper this it!

Oh,yes you read it right, it was one big BLOOPER (Capitalizing for all the dramatic effects!).

We celebrated Father’s day, with all the zing zang bang bang on Sunday 6th June,good two weeks earlier than the actual International Father’s day ,June 21st,because..

Well let me just layout all the events that led to this before I give out the BIG REVEAL.!

Sunday ,6th June

On Sunday, 6th June 2021, Girls and I got up early and prepared Father’s day special breakfast.While Ms.N helped me with the tea ,which she is getting really good at courtesy her Saturday special breakfast time with papa ! Ms. V got busy with toast and jam,one of S’s favorite breakfast.

Girls had worked hard on their cards,we put his gift in a pretty gift bag and we were ready for him!

Ginger is a must in our tea.

There was hugging,signing and cards were read!Breakfast was served to the King of the day and finally as part of the Mother’s/Father’s day tradition we decided to go have lunch at one of our favorites Madras Dosa Corner!

V busy with toasts and jam.

Remember the day we did the Rattle Snake Trail,that day for the first time in 15 months we dined out in a restaurant.We were anxious at first but given we were fully vaccinated for a while now kind of boosted our morale.

Since then we have gotten slightly more comfortable with eating out!

The Victims

Father's Day Gift
June 2020,Father’s Day

Victims 1 & 2: Before breakfast,I called family back in India to wish Dad and my big brother a very Happy Father’s dayπŸ˜‚!

My mom and bhabhi were shocked to find out they had missed wishing and celebrating Father’s day“Oh no!We are forgetting everything because of Lockdown.We’ll just do it the next weekend now!”

Victim 3:After making my family feel sad about having forgotten this day,as I was finishing cleaning up,I went ahead and called my sweet friend Sweda!

She literally panicked when she heard it was Father’s day “Damn,Anu,I gave him hell for not doing anything on Mother’s day and now I go ahead and forget Father’s day WTH!! , You know what he probably won’t even notice I’ll just do it the next day!” πŸ˜‚

Almost a Victim 4: It was my aunt’s birthday!After the wishes, when I asked her what had they planned for today? Aunty was like “Oh,is it today?You sure?? We usually dine out but today we are busy!” .

I kind of confused my otherwise pretty sure aunt that it was Father’s day on her birthday!🀣

Father's Day Cake
June 2020. Father’s Day Cake

Hand to heart, all this while I genuinely believed ,heck I knew it was Father’s day.I was just surprised other’s had forgotten.We continued our celebration in full fervour, wishing S everytime and it continued till evening.

Why 6th June?

I mean in a world that literally survives on internet today ,who gets confused with Father’s Day?Me,moi, Yo It was me who did it! So what exactly happened?

Event 1: While blogging I usually have two tabs open one is my website and other is Google photos! The photos help me revisit the moments as I blog.

So on top of the google photos was this alert flashing for days before June 6th “Order your photos for Father’s day and get them delivered by June 6th” Why in the world was google saying this again and again unless June 6th is Father’s Day!!!

Event 2:Secondly, girls school decided to have Family Appreciation Day on Friday, June 4th.In lieu of Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts and cards,students would be appreciating the adults in their families because duh June 6th is Father’s dayπŸ€ͺ

All the above had me convinced beyond reasonable doubt that June 6th was Father’s Day!!

I didn’t even bother googling once in the entire week leading to June 6th to confirm my belief.I was soo sure you guys!! LOL!!

To top it, Saturday,June 5th was first half of Black Belt Test!Also,the same evening I was to have my cousin over for the first time since pandemic for dinner.

Girls were excited, I was happy, so yeah basically my brain was over working for a week now.

And that’s how we celebrated Father’s day up until 4pm when we returned back from lunch!!

Father's Day Gift
June 2020,Father’s Day

Who Spoilt It For Me?

It was MACY’s booklet that came in the mail that Sunday!!

So after we came back home from lunch,out of habit S went to check our mailbox.Along with tons of unnecessary mail came Macy’s shining new booklet!Girls ran up to play, S scanned the mail and followed the girls.

I stood at the kitchen counter going through the mails and I grabbed Macy’s booklet and that’s when my eyes fell on the big words on front cover.

“Father’s Day is on June 21st!Have you shopped yet?”

I am not kidding you, I went numb for a minute! Like how?Like what! Are you serious right now??😲Alexa when is Father’s day?? and prompt came the reply!Opened Google and there it was staring in my face!

Hahaha Holy cow!!! It was freaking unbelievable moment for me.I am at loss of words to tell you how I felt exactly after I realized what I had done!!

So yeah, I just ran up “Guys!! Guess What?? Father’s Day is on 21st June!”.Everyone had the heartiest laugh and that’s how I made my girls celebrate the unforgetful fake father’s day!!

Omg,don’t even bother! I was butt of so many jokes and those Victims?Omg,they gave me a earful for scaring the stars out of them LOL 🀣.

Best bit,no one,no one googled to check if I was right! They just all took my word for it πŸ˜‚.

Father's Day
June 2020,Father’s Day

Did we celebrate Father’s Day again on 21st June 2021? You shall soon find out. Until then…here’s a thought for you,

Imagination Will Get You Everywhere.Don’t Stop

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