Ginger is here – Part 1

Ginger is here – Part 1

Well the secret has been out for a while now and it only made sense that I let you all in on it too. Without much further ado, presenting to you , drums rolls….

✨GINGER , our lab doodle pup✨.

The newest kid on the block! Seriously my camera roll right now is filled with her pictures and shenanigans!!

This fluffy ball of joy with two buttons for eyes has been keeping us busy for a over a month!

Last week she completed her first month with us and can I say this? For a person who took a lot of convincing more like 3 years-of-convincing to get a pet home, I am enjoying having her home !!

I mean I still have my reservations but I don’t mind her presence at all!

OMG, those “Puppy Eyes” thing? Yes, it is true!! I mean how do they even do that?? *Melting heart emoji*

Hang on now, It wasn’t an easy decision to make, we went back and forth a lot before the *heart melting emoji* state.

The Backstory

S had a dog while growing up- a black doberman called Bruno, by the time I met Bruno, he was already on the last leg of his journey.

In india S never showed any interest in getting a dog, I mean we were too busy working and loving life to have any time to care for a pet !

It all changed once we moved to Seattle,a dog lovers city , he started missing Bruno. And soon enough he was sharing stories of Bruno with V.🤪

That is when ladies and gentlemen V actually started dreaming of having a dog for a pet !

The 6 year old V one day walked up to us and says “I can take care of dog , we should get one today “. Seriously 🙄 ?

Anyhow the idea wasn’t shot down immediately, and S (who secretly wanted one too!) made a pact with her – that when she turns a little older he would seriously think about getting one.

I just rolled my eyes Not in my house, no pet ever and moved on ! V of course didn’t forget about it, kept coming back with the same lines only to hear the S repeat himself again and again !

I have to give it to her, she never gave up, not once! (Can be quite annoying otherwise for a mom 😜 but for this story it worked in her favor 😃)

About Me

I never had a pet growing up unlike S and also I have a thing for a clean tidy home. I take comfort and pride in keeping the house spic-and-span!

I am highlighting clean because I can get a tad annoying once in a while !

It’s not a habit I picked up randomly one day. I have been like this since I can remember, those 10 years of working everything was always sorted .

Even when I was working-from-home with the toddler V in tow, I always had a clean and organized home.

Long story short , I didn’t want to deal with a pet who would be sprinting around shedding his/her hair everywhere!

The thought of hair everywhere itself gave me goosebumps. I didn’t want a pet! Period .

So what changed then? How did Ginger end up with us ? Well move on to the next Post to find out more !

This time here is a pet quote for you 😀

 “Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” – George Eliot.

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