Ginger is here – Part 2

Ginger is here – Part 2

If you landed here first, then you may want to catch up on Part 1! So continuing from where we left, here is how I got convinced …

So What happened?

Now all was going well until V came home one day and told us about Edu! Edu is V’s classmate’s Labradoodle pup who came to school all of last year and of course V saw him everyday and heard stories about him everyday.

Yes that is how the Universe conspired against me and the talks of getting home a dog became more frequent and intense at Sharma household.

S believed the time was right, but he wanted my whole hearted support before deciding on getting one! I wasn’t ready yet, I was never going to be ready!

On the last day of the school this year, we had a class picnic and there he was “Edu“, a chocolate brown labradoodle pup, having his day on the grass. Needless to say V was all over him and that gave me an opening to introduce myself to the Mom.

We got talking and I told her how V wouldn’t stop talking about Edu at home.

It was their first pet too, after long chat about dogs , I left that day with Edu’s dog breeder’s number 🤨 saved in my contacts. I mean 😶!

I should’ve been the last person to get the number right?!! Don’t ask me, Destiny was playing a cruel joke with me!!

That day I went home and declared “You have my blessings, go find yourself a dog “ 😂.

I cursed myself under my breath for having said that ! But I realized the dog coming home was no longer inevitable.

Also I didn’t want to be that person who kept her child and husband from fulfilling their dreams of having a dog !

Father’s Day.

This father’s day I gave S the best father’s day gift ever. When the girls were busy playing in the park and S had gone looking for the parking lot after our hike, I got in touch with the dog breeder for them!!

Yes, well actually S had tried to get in touch with her but for some reason the Universe Wanted Me To Do It.

What were my Conditions?

Now, before we got the dog home S and I had The Talk. I was very clear of my role and had to make sure the entire house heard it loud and clear!!.

One of my non negotiable condition was (I would have loved never-ever-shedding) the least shedding breed and it so happens labradoodles fit that bill!!

Condition two was S will be the primary care taker, that meant for everything and anything !

S happily agreed to all of them 😂. I think if I had thrown in a Diamond Necklace as Condition three I probably would have gotten that too 😜😂. *Damn, I realized it a little too late*

Guess what ? Ms. Ginger has kept her promise so far, and I am happy to declare nothing glaring has caught my eyes yet and since the day she stepped into our house S has been doing everything when it comes to her.

Boy or a Girl?

After sending out the confirmation to the breeder , the waiting game began. We were on a waitlist, number 10 to be precise and that meant it could be anywhere between September to January next year before we got a pup home.

Our first choice was a boy, in fact for the longest time it was a boy! V wanted a boy and so did S.

From the day we contacted the breeder till the day we got Ginger home S spent hours researching and learning about Labradoodles. After work, his new hobby was reading up on everything dogs!

The breeder kept us up to date, sending us pictures of the pups every few weeks and to S‘s dismay he soon realized that by our turn we may not get a boy and would probably end up waiting till January to get a pup home.

So he went back and started reading specifically about female dogs. Once he was convinced it would be no different other than the obvious anatomical differences, he prepared us to expect a boy or a girl!!

D day

Omg the joy on S’s face the day we visited the farm and choose her to come home with us was undeniable!!

On September 11th, we drove 3 hours to get to the farm and that’s where he first lay his eyes on her! Ms. V was all over the place, while N and I just kept to ourselves.

I was still in denial, hoping it was a just a bad dream that would go away once I woke up !

But no, It was happening OMG! It happened so fast. I mean we spent about half an hour there and by the end of our time, Ginger was sitting on his lap!

And thus we began a new chapter in our lives…Ginger was coming home with us. Oh by the way there was a boy among the girls and yet we choose Ginger over him 😀.

There you go, the secret is out. Ginger is here!!

Wait for the next post to read all about her first month with us ! Until then

🎉 Live, Love and WOOF 🎉

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