Groom Hunting!

Groom Hunting!

Its been a long time, have been busy, with life and otherwise. Last 3 days, I have been seeing boys. Ah, no. Thank you, I am a happily married woman, I have been seeing boys for a friend, who is looking out for the perfect soul mate.I have had a lot of stories to share, funny,irritating episodes of groom hunting, when ma and pa took the arranged marriage way for their supposedly perfect daughter:D(I still am, for them I always will be :))

They were days when I met 5 boys in a row, one after the other, even funnier was when Renu and I would have to meet the same boy lol. The boys family would visit our home (Renu’s house was a at a stones throw), uncles, aunts, everyone is seated in the drawing room, while one of them calls up aunty (Renu’s ma), the report is given “he is wearing canvas shoes, sheesh!” “The family sounds dominating” “Oh,he is dumb!”LOL . Aunty would decide on what to serve based on the feedback lol. It wasn’t funny back then!
I have had fun, not so fun, irritating conversations too and sometimes I even managed to irk the parents he he he

We both met our soul mates outside the arranged meetings :), but I am not against the whole idea,it does work, it worked for most of our parents, uncles, friends and colleagues! It brings along with it interesting meetings, funny episodes, lot of teas,samosa’s he he he.
Having been thro’ the arranged marriage process,I thought I knew it all! I was in for an experience of life time, an experience that I am going to rem’m even on my death bed!

Imagine this, we are sitting all dolled up in CCD, waiting for boys family, and then walk in 4 people. We count again, there should have been 5! Mother, father, sister, her better half and, the boy. Wait a sec, Where is the boy? a thought, that crossed all our minds. Smiling, courteous we welcome them. Neither of them bother to enlighten us on the boys absence! Coffee served, samosa’s offered, when suddenly father speaks up
“he had a match today, should be in in sometime”
Ok, thats news, Didnt you decide on the time?. We nod, and wait.
Finally, there is a call (25 mins later) and we are informed the boy is here.

A man walks in, he walks in black stripped sports shorts, dripping of sweat, a week old beard. Oh he is just someone, the boy should be just behind this hideous looking man. Wait a sec, he is coming along with the sister’s husband! Could it? Can he! Oh yes,that was the boy!

We all did our best to hide the shocked look.The drama does not end here. This is just the beginning baby. The boy slouches on the sofa, a seat next to me! legs apart, hands behind his head, he calls for the barista! Places his order and then starts staring at the tv! No hellos, no smile to the parents of girl! not even his own family!! 5 mins into it, I was all ready to slap him out of his trance, give a piece of mind to the parents and walk away with my friend! I swear, I would have created a scene, a scene enough to embarrass the shit out of the family,I swallowed my anger, just for her parents! next one hour was hell! it was hell for us, for the family of the boy, it was a bloody joke!!

The boy he is not even worth my time! I hated the family, I hated them for inviting us, for insulting us, having a clear idea that the boy probably was never interested in the alliance! I pray, i pray hard that what they did to us is returned to them in double folds! The boy suffers! I am being vicious! I want to be,why should I let strangers insult us and walk away by saying “Our boy is just being shy!” Crap, truck loads of crap!

This episode has amused me beyond….. Fill in whatever you can think of!

4 thoughts on “Groom Hunting!

  1. Well this is nice…once married the guy does not get a chance to open his mouth, so he was just showing off his skills being the perfect obedient domesticated animal of the house. 😉
    And the next time please be a little more vocal in your expressions else he will continue being this jerk under the parents smiling patronage…..
    Geez…in my days we had better purple belts who knew how to use their marital arts without wearing their kimonos

  2. shit! What a species..One reason why I never meet the boy before i talk to him..and wont do a family meeting unless i hit it off with the guy.I should write a book one day when I am done with the groom hunting experience..will add your excerpts too :))

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