Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

This is the last post in my three series post following Halloween Saga (2016-2018) and Halloween Saga (2019-2020) . We are finally here in 2021, the year of vaccination, the year of HOPE!

While we are on it, I wanted to share some positive news with you guys, Ms. V got her first shot of Covid vaccination this weekend πŸŽ‰!

Continuing from where we left, our 2021 Halloween pumpkin carving/painting tradition commenced just a week before Halloween this year.

On Saturday evening, the girls worked on an Alien and a clown. By the time we were done, if no one Ginger for sure was a little spooked and kept her distance from them! πŸ˜‚

This Halloween was special for us because we had a new family member, our little puppy to celebrate with us this year!

While S loves his dog, he isn‘t into the idea of dressing them up, the girls on the other hand were super excited about dressing her up for Halloween.

This once, I was with the girls, she is the new baby in the house and we wanted to do dress her up! And that’s what we did.

On a weekly shopping trip to Fred Meyers, I picked up a Unicorn costume, Ms. Ginger was so excited that she almost ate Unicorn’s head off 🀣. Ms. Unicorn had to go back, she wouldn’t have survived till Halloween at our house.πŸ˜‚

After the Unicorn debacle, the girls voted in favor of a superhero character, I mean we’d had Batgirl,Supergirl, Wonder Woman in the past so why not the puppy too? πŸ˜›

And what better place to order than Amazon for last minute shopping ! Within a day we had a Wonder woman costume and a matching headband delivered to our doorstep.

Oh my, the trial session was a laughing riot πŸ˜‚, luckily for us, this time, she couldn’t grab the skirt πŸ˜…. Finally we had a dress for our puppy.

In my last two posts I have covered basically everything Halloween, the carving, dress up and finally the party.This post is no different, we did that and some more.

Moving on to the girls, V wanted to be a Ninjago character given that she got a Ninjago theme birthday party earlier this year. Did you know a decent Ninjago costume is priced at 60$ and more! I mean seriouslyπŸ˜‘.

I looked at many online sites before dropping the ball on this one. With her first choice out, she went for her backup option, she was going to Hermione Granger.

I shopped for the pleated uniform skirt, the polo tee, the cape, the wand and the tie, the whole shebang! Well I am just going to pretend that it was far lesser than 60$ 😬.

Now Ms. N wanted to be a Fish this year, her heart was set on it. One day strolling down the Halloween aisle in Target I found this butterfly costume, back home my baby didn’t need much convincing, she was happy to be a Butterfly!!

This year I only shopped at Target, their Mondo Llama Halloween collection made for the cutest spooky gifts and treats! Most of it sold off within days, I just got very lucky with online shopping.

Halloween fell on a Sunday , it was perfect for a early evening snack party , giving the kids enough time to go trick a treating later in the evening.

As always there was spooky snacks and pizza , freeze dance, lots of noise and coloring.

Soon after the party wrapped up, I teamed up with Satya and took girls to her community for trick or treat. It is always more fun when doing it in as a group.

With their buckets full of candies and treats, at 7pm I finally called it a day.While I love throwing these parties and I invest some serious time and energy in them, it can get very exhausting.

Oh! The girls still wear most of the costumes, they have just gotten shorter, so Ms.V now mixes and matches them to create a new costume, a new superhero trying to save the word every other weekend.

For me investing in these costumes is total pasia pasool πŸ˜‚.

Before I go, I should mention Pankaj, a dear friend who has been the eye behind the lens, the one who captures all the fun moments😍 , the group photos but never once appears in them herself. Thanks to her we have some amazing memories from the past.

So this is it, the Halloween Saga, a photolog series of our Halloween Journey so far! If you did celebrate hope you had a fun one this year!

I am moving on to the Diwali post, see you there soon.

Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.” – Aggie Cromwell, Halloweentown (1998)

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