Halloween Saga (2016-2018)

Halloween Saga (2016-2018)

👻 BOO 👻

With Diwali and Halloween over and Christmas at least a month away I am free to write. As much as I want to keep my posts up to date, I have been lagging behind since summer. Anyhow I am back with first of the three posts on our Halloween experiences.

A photolog chronicling our 5 years of celebrating Halloween, more photos less words. I have split it into 3 parts, this first one is all about how it started for us.

So how was your Halloween? Did you go trick a treating this year? After last year’s restricted outings for kids and in-house trick or treat, the girls were so glad to step out to accept candies from strangers 😂🤪 this year .

It’s a spooky strange tradition that my girls have totally come to love!

Think about it, we keep telling our children to stay away from strangers or the classic “Never accept anything from strangers“, Yet on this one evening, not only kids talk and accept candies from strangers, we happily chaperone them around to do so😜!

Fact: Until 2014, I was oblivion and unaware of this day! Want to know more? Continue reading….

Halloween 2014

I vividly remember we had just moved to Hyderabad, we were still in the process of unpacking stuff, there were cardboard boxes all over the house when on the night of October 31st 2014 there was a ring at our door.

We were new to the city with no friends or family, so who could it be at this hour? Dressed in my mismatched pajamas with a two year old V trailing behind me, I opened the door to a loud yell of “Trick or Treat”.

I almost yelled back “What the F***” hahaha, thankfully I stopped myself just in time! Standing in front of me were a group of 6-8 kids all dressed in a cute versions of ghosts and witches.

As I stood there staring, clueless, one of them sensed my dilemma and said “Can we have the candies please ?” Oops! What candies? I don’t have candies!

And right at the moment as if on a cue, my next door neighbor opened her door and came to my rescue with a bowl of candies and whispered in my ears “It is Halloween!

That is how I first learnt about Halloween. A day in a year when children and adults get to play dress up and get rewarded with tons of candies! I mean that’s awesome🤩.

If you think about it, it’s just like old times (perhaps it still happens in schools?) when we had fancy dress competitions at school in India, the only difference being that instead of all the participants only the winners got the candies 🤪😂.

Halloween 2016

Fast forward to 2016 when we moved to Seattle, heard the saying “When in Rome do as Romans do! “ ? We embraced Halloween 👻 and how 😈!

That year Ms. V and I got invited to our first Pumpkin carving party hosted by my dearest Nidhi and there we learnt about the tradition of carving pumpkins.

That night V and I with a lot of help from others managed to carve out our first scary pumpkin 😂.

Coming to costume, thanks to Pinterest Ms. V went in as a Batgirl to her preschool party and later in the evening as a Cupcake for trick a treating! My first costume shopping for her and I got the cutest dress ever 😍.

I had a blast that day, our first experience with the spooky decorations, collecting candies and goodies from strangers!

The year of 2016 we did our first pumpkin carving, our first costume dress up and our first trick a treating!

Halloween 2017

2017’s Halloween was special, It was not only going to be our first Halloween in our new house but also Ms. N’s first Halloween!

I went little overboard and ended up shopping quite a bit for useless Halloween decor 😆 along with our first set of tools needed for pumpkin carving.

I couldn’t have been prouder of myself, after the debacle of 2016’s craving I did pretty ok with craving.

As far as the costume goes, V choose to be super hero character- Supergirl, she had been watching Supergirl with her dad and after the obvious princess this was her next choice.

Yes, we take Halloween costumes very seriously at our house 😂,it is weeks worth of hard work if not months 😮. Which I am pretty sure is true for a lot of moms out there!

The whole year the girls were pretty much twinning, so it was really a no brainer for me when it came to N’s costume, she was going to be twinning with her sister. She was going to be Supergirl!

It was also our first year at being in public school and I took volunteering very seriously, along with the biweekly volunteering at class I also volunteered at class parties almost all the times 😂.

The point I am trying to make is (if it wasn’t evident enough), I basically volunteered at V’s school Halloween celebrations every year .

This year I was particularly excited for no apparent reason and with that also signed up for some spooky snacks too! Pinterest came to my rescue yet again, and Applesauce zombies accompanied me to to her school.

Later that evening after a quick trick or treating in our neighborhood we went to our first Halloween party at my friend Sweda’s house. She had a spooky menu prepared for us and I for one was happy to gobble it all down.😂

2017 was a busy Halloween year for us, it was N’s first Halloween.

Halloween 2018

Year of 2018 saw me throwing my first pumpkin painting/carving party! I got inspired by Nidhi and how? I invited the kids from the neighborhood to come make a holy moly mess and create their masterpieces at my humble abode 😂.

With little help from me V created a practically burnt pumpkin 😂 and well N did the same LOL. Black seemed to be flavor of the season! I carved out those ugly big eyes and the mouth haha.

This was the first year I stumbled upon the holy grail of making your pumpkins look scary without the mess -the push-in Halloween decorating kit!

After that, each year I got a new one based on their favorite theme, the girls were happy and I had less mess to clean! Win-Win for me!!

By now, S had introduced V to few more characters from Detective Comics. Following her superhero stint from past two years , she choose to be Wonder Woman and well I decided N would be the same 😆.

That evening after school party we spent good two hours trick a treating .The church nearby was having a Halloween Pumpkin bash! Of course we went there 🙄. This was a year of candy overload in all senses!

This was the photo log of Halloween in the first two years after we moved to Seattle!

Coming up soon the Halloween Saga 2019-2020, lol don’t believe me ? I wouldn’t either given that I have been MIA for a while now! Well you will just have to trust me this one time!

While you are trying to do that here is a spooky quote for you.

Keep calm and scare on~ unknown

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