Halloween Saga (2019-2020)

Halloween Saga (2019-2020)

πŸ‘» I witch you a Happy Halloween πŸ‘»

Here it is -the second part to the three part series of our Halloween experiences in States.I kept my promise!

In other news, currently I am watching Fleabag on Amazon Prime, yes I caught on to it rather late. Wouldn’t it be rather lovely to have that no filter attitude just once in a while and say what you gotta say? Ooh so tempting.

Anyhow coming back to the topic, 2016-2018 was all about firsts, our first pumpkin carving πŸŽƒ, first pumpkin party and first Halloween party.

Shall we see what 2019 and 2020 was all about then?

Halloween 2019

The year of 2019 saw me buying even more useless Halloween decor, Target was my new favorite store, there was just no stopping me now πŸ˜‚.

That year we gave up on carving all together, I got the girls a new set of pumpkin push-in kit and choose to just paint instead.

It worked as a charm, girls were delighted and Vampirina and Witchy cat ended up on our front porch.

Now Ms. V was hooked on to the Vampirina series and as expected wanted to be Vampirina for Halloween, unfortunately for her I couldn’t find a decent costume that fit her well. After a little chat, she was ok to be BatgirlπŸ˜….

N had enough of twinning with her older sister πŸ˜‚ and choose her costume character herself -she was going to be a Cat.

Now after last year’s pumpkin party success and the messy cleanup that followed, I decided to up my game and throw a halloween party for the kids πŸ™„ instead.

Well it seemed more fun and less mess and yes, I was taking halloween celebrations a tad too seriously.

Because I was going to be hosting, I had no choice but to dress up, a last minute buy from Fred Meyers and a little make up did the trick for me.

It was finally the time to say goodbye to my witch band for I had a new one now – a Devil’s band πŸ˜‚.

Oh! the party was fun, we had Elastigirl, Rapunzel, Belle, a Unicorn and more than one Spider Man join us that spooky evening.

No party ends without some hip shaking at my house, that evening all characters bogeyed the night away to the Halloween tunes πŸ˜†.

The kids had so much fun, that, as they were leaving they said this to me β€œThank you, can’t wait for the next year’s party!” Oh kids can be so *darn* sweet πŸ€ͺ. Of course my in house girls were over the moon!!

What had I done? πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

2019 saw me throwing my first fun halloween party and also promising the kids a Halloween party next year 😬!!

Halloween 2020

2020, the year of Covid-19. The year the pandemic came down on all of us. That year was hard on the kids the most. First few months were scary with very limited interactions with a close knit friend circle.

With no trick or treating, no class parties and no in person school, I finally decided to have a close knit Halloween get together for the kids.

From the pictures, you can see that we were reusing our halloween decorative push-in kit quite a bit. I ordered a Unicorn push-in kit for Ms. N to add to our ever growing collection.

We had the scary Monster, the carved Vamparinia and cute little Unicorn pumpkins guarding our front door in 2020.

Now Star wars was the running theme at our house since the beginning of the year , V even got herself a Star Wars theme birthday party that year.

So, it was no a surprise that V and N both choose to be Star War characters.

V was Rey Skywalker-the human female Jedi master, N choose to be Kylo Ren -the leader of dark forces.

S joined in too, he was Sr. Kylo Ren and I was? Well no guesses there- a Devil 😜 !

Satya as always was the most invested person in the Halloween party, Elastigirl girl gave way to Cleopatra.

We didn’t venture out at all, not even see the Halloween decorations. Everything was in-house, including a mini in-house trick or treat.

All in all 2020 Halloween celebrations was a good fun break for the kids in otherwise depressing pandemic situation. I was glad that I could bring a smile on their faces with this little party .

Phew we are finally at 2021, the year of Hope, the year we get vaccinated Yahoo !! See you soon on the 2021 post .

Until then here is a funny one for you

β€œCan I witch a ride? My broomstick broke” Boohaha πŸ‘»

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