Happy 10th Birthday My Love

Happy 10th Birthday My Love

Finally! It’s time for V’s happy 10th birthday celebrations post! This August my first born turned TEN πŸ₯³.

πŸŽ‰Move over single digits, the Double Digits are here to rule!πŸŽ‰

I always begin a birthday post with the thought of highlighting all the nice stuff about the birthday girl(s). A post that is all about the fun moments, the “aww I’ll miss this…” moments, the “omg time flies” moments. Which parent won’t have nicest things to share about their child, specially on their birthday or in my case in a birthday post?!

Yet, as much as I want to and know it is what I should I do, I invariably never do it !! I mean what’s the the fun in that? Am I Right or am I Right? *You bet, what’s the fun in being nice, that is so overrated πŸ˜‘*.

How would I describe my 10 year old then you ask?

So V‘s your typical 10 year old, who behaved the entire last year leading to her 10th year as a typical 9 year old would! How? Well trying out our patience in measured amounts, adding a dash of her unique personality to it, making it as intolerable as ever for the parents , stirring up the whole situation up with her ever vivacious nature and hardly ever apologizing for it, while serving it to us almost every day of last year in her new found original style ! Tadaaa… *Oh my!! That so was not what I expected πŸ˜‚*

Haha, not what you expected? Well, that’s the truth, she’s at the cusp of what I call pre-preteens *if that is even word😢?* and well.., ok Google up the rest of it guys ! I am not turning this post into what happens when your child enters that phase *Ah thanks πŸ™„*. It will take me forever to stop writing once I start on it. So for everyone’s sanity here, lets stick to the topic!

This here is her birthday post and she will one day, sooner rather than later end up reading this post. And when she does read it, I would really like her to like me for writing nice things about her. So here it comes…

Dearest V

Dearest V,

I love you so much !! While I didn’t lie much just maybe I exaggerated a bit 😜. My darling you are a compassionate, empathetic, kind, ever smiling child of mine.

I mentioned smiling because it seems you are famously known for it at your school. Now I would understand if your class teacher mentions it, but no, it’s not just her, it is most every adult you have interacted within the school these past few years. They all share the same opinion about you! I have lost the count of how many times I have received a compliment on your behalf “You have such a smiling and happy child”. How do you do it? I have no clue!

Smiling is infectious, smile at someone and you’ll find them smiling back at you. Never, never loose this quality of yours.

Let’s not forget your leadership qualities and how you are getting better at it with each passing day ! From volunteering to head your group to holding class meetings to now leading the effort to creating clubs at school, boy that’s impressive !

Your ability to put that one odd person in the group at ease without anyone asking you to do it, tells me you are going to turn into a fine young woman ❀️! Your aptitude for reading most anything and everything, processing that information and then sharing them as fun facts leaves me dumb founded for days on end.

And your biggest and most amazing quality is how on any given unhappy day, you choose to look at the brighter side of things. It takes years of practice for one to even achieve this but you just naturally have it in you!

It actually annoys me at that moment but truth to be told that’s a great quality to have, one that will help you in years to come. You’ll never let things keep you down for long, you’ll dust yourself up and move on quickly !

This is but just the starting, you are going to keep learning, growing and know this about yourself, you have your heart at the right place ❀️.

Love always,

Mom, Dad, N and Ginger

*Ok, from “I won’t say nice things to bragging on for like a paragraph!!” Well playedπŸ˜‘*

Birthday celebrations

Alright that should earn me a brownie points or two with her , what say you? *πŸ€πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ* . Haha, ok let’s move on to the 10th birthday celebrations then. Miss V got herself not one but two birthday parties this year, one in India and one back here in USA with her BFF’s!

Since her birthday falls right in the middle of summer vacation, she’s the luckier one between the two sisters who gets to celebrate it with grandparents more often ! Before leaving for India, as the tradition goes I got her book and left a little note for her.

Birthday celebration started this year with a trip to Goa , followed by a fun filled day, a nice lunch at the restaurant of her choice in Belgaum and ending with a sleep over party back here in Seattle.

Everyone in Belgaum was such a sport, from making it a on a working Monday afternoon, indulging her by wearing a tiara to singing on top of their voice they made her 10th birthday so special. Phone calls poured in from everyone in India and back here in Seattle.

In years to come when she’s going to look at these pictures, I bet you ,she’s going to have a smile pasted on her face, knowing every few years she got to celebrate it with her extended family. A privilege Miss N will rarely have!

Back in Seattle, it took a while for me to plan but plan I did. A little over a month later we celebrated her 10th birthday with her BFF’s. This time it was a sleepover party but before that the kids got to spend their energy in Elevated sports going crazy on trampolines.

When I planned for the sleepover I thought to myself ” Oh boy this will be by far the easiest party ever, tired kids, pizza, sleep over and done!”. But was I a bit misled or what ?! Mommy was tired but it sure was fun for the kids alright!

I am so glad V has surrounded herself with this bunch of kiddos and proudly calls them her BFF’s. They have seen each other grow since pre-k days and share such a warm bond 🧿. You are sum total of the people you surround yourself around with and I couldn’t have asked for better company for V.

Miss V got her birthday wish of a sleepover and if I may so myself and an awesome birthday party too. Finally I am done with all birthday celebrations for this year πŸ₯³. Happy 10th birthday to my darling. ❀️.

β€œThe Best way to predict your Future is to create it.”– Abraham Lincoln

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