Happy 5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday

Guess what ? 🌈 Happy 5th Birthday N 🌈. I know what you are thinking! “A birthday post again? Haven’t we gone through two “birthday” posts already now? ” I get it , I get it! It does seem like all I am doing is talking about birthdays and I am, because It’s raining milestones birthdays in our house this year😜.

Here I’ll make a promise, there is something that I have been working on and off for 2 months now, I’ll get the first part out soon. No birthdays, no babies, no family, a story!! How does that sound? You guys happy now? Yes or Yes!!

Alright, now let’s get done with Ms. N’s happy 5th birthday post shall we?

Happy 5th Birthday

Last week a little birdie turned 5! Yes, my little baby is FIVE omg ! Last of her toddler years and my last year of shopping for 5T clothings 😭. It seems like just yesterday V turned 5 and now the here is N completing this milestone.

You know what was the first thing we did as soon as she turned 5 ? We took her for her first shot of COVID vaccine πŸŽ‰πŸ˜.

In less than three weeks the fourth member of our family will be fully vaccinated against this dreadful virus. And then we can finally fly to places and take that vacation we have been waiting to take!! I am so excited for summer!!

What has changed in one year? For one, N has started showing interest in art, between the four of us I think she took the creative gene from my mother’s side of the family. My mom is so talented and pretty good with sketches herself, I am not surprised one of my babies took after her!

Two, she has discovered her love for talking just like her older sister! Oh my she has so many stories to share from school and then some more and then it goes on and onπŸ˜› !

Three, she loves helping around the house with small tasks and after happily helping she’ll complain almost every time “I am just a baby you make me do a lot of work ” πŸ˜‚.

Four, the girl loves her food like her grandfather, my dearest dadπŸ˜‚. That girl is always up for trying new dishes, how cool is that?! Five, while N and V fight like cats and dogs ( everyday and every other minute!!) she is big a fan of her big sister practically imitating everything V does, talking, walking, even using the big words V uses! And recently I noticed her trying to dance like V πŸ’• πŸ˜‚.

Pre Birthday planning

This year’s birthday theme was Rainbow as chosen by Ms. N herself. I was so glad to hear that! For the love of god I couldn’t have done with another Frozen theme birthday !! I am like so done with Frozen!

So yay I was happy to hear Rainbow πŸŒˆπŸ˜‚.

With the birthday theme locked in as early as start of February, I had my work chalked out for me. Macy’s carried some pretty party frocks this year and I was quick to grab them for her.

The matching shoes for both the dresses came from Amazon, I have been buying from the same brand for last four years and love them every time! Most of her birthday decorations and return gifts came from online shopping at Target, Amazon and some from Michaels.

The rainbow cake is what took most of my time, from choosing the shape to finalizing down the colors and finally the pattern! After a week of to and fro we choose a 5 color multi layer rainbow themed cake. 5 colors for 5 years.

Her cake for the birthday party came from a home baker who had also baked V‘s 9th birthday cake last year, a Ninjago theme cake. I choose a vanilla cake with vanilla filling, N’s favorite flavor . To appease V‘s chocolate craving I had her put some chocolate filling in between the layers.

I had two requests from the baker, one, I want least fondant work and two, I wanted her to dial down on the sugar for us. I wasn’t worried about the design much, I gave her creative freedom of doing whatever looks good! And Down the pie hole nailed it and how! The cake was absolutely gorgeous.

Ahead of our 5 day trip to Friday Harbor except for the menu for the party everything was ready. Yay for me!! I’ll take that applause now πŸ˜‚.

Celebrations at School

On birthday morning N woke up to Alexa singing birthday songs on repeatπŸ’•πŸŒˆ. She had fried eggs and toast and jam for breakfast, all her favorites!

Continuing with our tradition, along with her presents she got a book with a letter for the 5 year old N and a birthday card signed by all of us😊.

For celebrations at school I got her a number “5” tee from Mudpie on Amazon, a last minute buy and I am so happy to have brought it. She looked absolutely adorable in it!

In the video shared by her class teacher, at the end of the birthday circle she is seen showing off the number 5 on her tee to all her classmates 😍. She flaunted her tee with such stylish confidence I was amazed !

Remember the birthday circle at school? This year N took 5 circles around the sun sharing each year’s pictures with her classmates. I choose pics that show her eating something for this birthday circle to go with her current love of eating and appreciating good food 😜.

On our way back from school N regaled us with her birthday circle stories and the “aww’s” she got from her friends when she shared her baby pictures. Can you imagine 3, 4 and 5 year olds going aww πŸ˜‚πŸ˜.

N’s class teacher prefers and insists only on fruits if you want to send some treats for sharing. This year she took strawberries and watermelon to share with her classmates. Watermelon was a big hit 🌈.

Celebrations at home

Back at home, it was time to cut the cake! On her 4th birthday I baked two cakes for her, this year I choose to take the easy way out. The first cake came from a local bakery called the Regent Bakery, famous for their black forest and fruit cakes in Seattle .

My birthday cake from last year came from this bakery ! It’s our go to place if nothing else clicks. We drove down to the closest branch in Redmond to get a cake.

It was a tough call between the fruit cake and strawberry cake. V tried her best to persuade her little sister to pick a chocolate mousse but in the end the shiny strawberries won N‘s heart! And the strawberry cake came home with us😊 .

By evening the birthday girl was ready to celebrate her birthday, dressed in her unicorn frock. She made her wish, blew the candles and cut the cake as we sang happy birthday to her. I was surprised, no shocked to see V, who never even tastes anything that is not chocolate relish the strawberry cake minus the strawberries.

Lots of pictures and dancing to N’s favorite songs with Ginger wagging her tail to all of them later, we feasted on palak paneer and naan. Yes, you are right, it was the same menu last year too! What can I say,the birthday girl loves her greens πŸ˜›β€οΈ

Birthday Party

This Saturday N got her rainbow birthday party! There were colorful balloons, rainbow cake and few of her favorite friends. What else does a 5 year old need? N was smiling ear to ear the whole time 😊.

I know most of my posts include a lot of ” I did this and I did that ” I don’t want you to think I manage everything all by myself. While S does not get into the birthday planning and shopping at all, he is helping me in the background.

From picking up the cake to last minute grocery shopping he is doing it. Every party he is the one helping the girls get ready while I am busy getting ready myself. He helps clean the kitchen if needed and sometimes he is the one prepping that evening’s appetizer course ❀️.

Unfortunately this time I forgot to take pictures of the spread that I had prepared that day. By the time it dawned upon me to take some pictures. the food was half gone . I took that as a compliment , be the hero of your narrative right 😜😁? The kids enjoyed their cheese pizza and lemonde as always.

Evening continued as usual with kids busy playing upstairs and then watching Harry Potter on the big screen. Even the littlest ones were in for Harry Potter!

Ginger was barking as she sensed all the fun she was missing out on and the grown up were busy catching up downstairs.

The reason Ginger is in garage during parties is because she is still a puppy and gets overly excited around kids. Not all of my friends are comfortable with dogs. So Ginger gets a lot of treats and is sent to sit in her playpen in the garage.

What do you think about these lavish birthday cakes? Every birthday by the time we serve the cake, everyone is so full with food that the kids aren’t really into it, they lick the frosting and that is itπŸ˜‚. And if you cut it before the pizza is served most just end up filling their tummies with cake!

I love them nonetheless. Big pretty cakes make the children happy and you get some of big happy smiles pictures *heart melting emoji*. Look at the picture she couldn’t take her eyes off her cake πŸ’•.

Well all in all the party was fun. Someone slept like a log and got up the next day all smiles. Mission accomplished πŸŽ‰πŸ€©.That’s all from me. Hope you are having a peaceful month of March. No more birthday post from me until April πŸ˜‚.

For my girls πŸŒˆβ€œ Kind Heart , Fierce Spirit , Brave Mind, Enjoying Rainbows” 🌈

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