Happy 9th Birthday Ms. V

Happy 9th Birthday Ms. V

Ms. N got herself a birthday post,S got one for himself ,heck I wrote one for myself!

It was a no brainer that Ms. V’s birthday would definitely get a mention here!

Her 9th birthday celebrations finally wrapped up this weekend!I am so done and glad that there are no more birthdays until next year!!πŸ˜…

I know!It’s all on me,I want that party for them,we do it for them and in the same breath curse ourselves for doing it!That is a mom for you.πŸ˜‚

Her birthday celebrations started in Glacier National Park and finally ended with Ninjago theme party this weekend.It was close call between Harry Potter and Ninjago,with Ninjago finally emerging as the winner.

From the looks of it Mr. Potter is no longer a contender for Halloween costumes for this year.😜

Last year,she got herself a Star Wars theme party.She was so captivated by Star Wars that her day started with who is your favorite character to who would you rather be to what would you do in this scenario and then some more!!

And times when we blatantly refused to answer the same question for the nth time, poor Alexa got the brunt of it, with facts and trivia over and over again.πŸ˜›πŸ€£.

Currently Alexa is running high on fumes with endless Ninjago triviaπŸ˜†.

I combed through Amazon for everything Star Wars and on her 8th birthday we gifted her a Star Wars encyclopedia!

I started a tradition on her 8th birthday-every year on her birthday she would get at least one book and on the first page of the book will be a dated birthday note. I am kind of sentimental that way.

I get this from my dad,up until our 12th grade he maintained files,one each for my older brother and I.Each artifact in that file(card,teacher’s note,drawings,all class group photos) has a date-city-just enough details.

I mean there is this letter from 12 year old me to him,a birthday card from my 3rd grade classmates,a drawing from pre-k days and many more!!

That feeling when I go through the file revliving each age through those letters,drawings is inexpressible.I want to give that to my girls too!

So,yes like him,I love taking pictures,collecting their stuff (crafts,first drawing,first written letter….)and writing dates and details on them as they go into my memory box.

I just haven’t been as meticulous as my dad to make a proper file, yet!

She loved the encyclopedia so much that she requested a Ninjago encyclopedia for her 9th birthday.

I didn’t exactly find a encyclopedia but something close and yes she absolutely loved it!

This year we upgraded to a decent size pool from a splash pad,needless to say the kiddos had a great time, playing ball and enjoying the cold otter pops served to them in the pool while Ninjago OST played in the background!🀩

You ask,how did I manage 9 kids ranging from 4 to 10 years old by myself?Honestly?? I wonder myself! πŸ˜‚.

It did get crazy for a bit but nothing some yum snacks couldn’t handle.The credit also goes to the elder sisters,the girls did a great job of managing their younger ones until the moms arrived.

Finally the mum’s were here and I was happy to hand over the reins to them!We enjoyed some delicious Pani Puri and Samosa Chaat before the cake cutting.

By the end of the party, I spotted Ms. V smiling ear to ear!It was a success!

Later in the night,,just before heading to bed she gave me a tight hug “Thank you mama,I loved it.For my next birthday I want a…”πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜›.

πŸ₯°Happy 9th birthday Ms. V πŸ₯°

Life is like a camera,Just focus on what is important,Capture the good times,Develop from negatives and if things don’t work out.Just take another shot!!

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