Happy Birthday Dearest S

Happy Birthday Dearest S

My heart has been very heavy all this week with the news from back home.Sitting thousands miles away from home helplessly watching as India faces the worse wave that any country has seen since the start of pandemic.

As I write this post I am aware of the pain and anguish many are going through right now!Hang in there.This shall pass!

We celebrated the third birthday of the family this month,Happy Birthday S.

As you would have already gathered from all the previous posts S is more of a private person and I am quite the opposite.If given a choice,he would rather spend his birthday sleeping in late,binge watching movies and finally ending the day with the cake!Tada birthday done😛

Yes,I know many will prefer his version,sweet and simple.I don’t,it has to be anything but his version.

Of course over the years we have reached a compromise.I have managed to rub in some of my enthusiasm on him and he has managed to rub in his toned down expectations on me.

So when it comes to his birthday I keep it a family affair but not a quiet affair!There is still a lot of singing,balloons,cake and all that jazz.

I usually end up baking a cake at home and when I do it’s always his favorite chocolate cake!

This year I had two very eager helpers to help me bake.By the end,both were more interested in licking the batter than the actual cake.

Last year when I got my first handwritten letter in years from my sweet friend Suman,it rekindled my passion for writing.There is nothing like heartfelt handwritten letters or notes to add that personal touch.

And so I have started asking V to write a letter along with a card.Last year I helped her,this year she did a fine job herself,a letter for him on his special day thanking him for the little things he does for them.

All these letters go in my memory box to read years later 😊

I haven’t been very successful in surprising S with gifts in the past.Now he just tells me exactly what he wants and the surprise part is me ordering it and hiding it up until his birthday!.

Needless to say Birthday Boy was very happy with his present😛!

The birthday fell on a weekend giving us some relaxed time to celebrate!We had his favorite chole bhature for lunch and my world famous chocolate cake that got a facelift by the time he finally got to cut it!

We had a birthday party to attend that evening,leaving S to finally enjoy his Formula One races on his birthday!


Happy birthday S.Here’s to many more chocolate cakes,surprise-not surprised presents and laughs on your special day every year ! Cheers 😊😇

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