Holi Hai 2021

Holi Hai 2021

Hope you guys had a fun colorful Holi!

My girls love Holi,its their second favorite festival after Diwali.Thankfully Holi needs no special preparations or has any special rituals to follow,making it one of the easiest funnest festivals to celebrate.

All you need is lots of colors,sweets and music! Ta da..Holi Hai!

Festivals are meant to be celebrated with friends and families.This year girls celebrated with their friends.Kids had a blast playing,throwing colors at each other while I hid behind the camera to capture these fun moments.Of course that didn’t last for too long,few minutes later I found myself cornered and colored from top to bottom.

Hot Samosas,Sweets and Thandai made for the perfect holi menu!I tasted Thandai a heavenly concoction of various nuts and milk specially made during holi for the every first time, all thanks to my very sweet friend who got it just for us.

Happy colored faces

The celebrations continued the next day as the girls wanted to play some more and this time with daddy dearest.What was supposed to be a toned down version of previous evening turned into a full blown color war.We ended the day with some yummy aloo puri and seviyan kheer.

Since it’s all dry colors,it really doesn’t take that much of an effort to clean all this up.Here you can wear your prettiest white dress,play holi and yet after one wash,they’ll be as white as before.Nothing like back in India,sometimes even your blackest top get stained 😂.

The girls are yet to experience Holi in its full glory,what they play is the simplest version that one can play.I have played the pakka rang holi.All thanks to my sister-in-law Divya,I once turned up at office looking like an orangutan,it literally took a week for all the color to wear off LOL.

Here is a picture from 2010 where you can see D in action.That’s my dearest friend Anvita who has resigned to her fate lol.

Oh,I absolutely enjoy Holi and I am so glad that my girls do too!S has no choice but to play along 😂.

I have been celebrating Holi forever!Thanks to my dad who was serving in Indian Navy which basically is a melting pot of cultures as a result my brother and I have been exposed to so many festivals.Holi was just of them.

N celebrated Holi at her school too.She’s has been learning about Asia continent and finally it was time to learn about India.They learnt all about the festival of colors on zoom by one of the parents followed by playing holi on their own life sized portraits that they made themselves at school.They used powdered chalk for colors. Isn’t this just wonderful!

Ever since V was born,I have been very conscious of making the girls feel connected to all our festivals and cultures and of course making it as much fun while we are at it.Big or small celebration,it doesn’t matter!As long as we all are happy and having fun I am a happy mama.

As they grow up,I want them to take these memories with them wherever they go and make new ones,perhaps add a little bit of their own magic to it as I do it today.

Celebrating Holi with colors
One year old N in 2018

How do you celebrate Holi?What’s your favorite festival?

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