How will I grow?

How will I grow?

Potty Training

The cutest thing happened a few days ago and it went like this “But then , how will I grow ?”

 Before I tell you all about it, let’s rewind a bit,  It all started with Potty Training I know mommies, I have your attention now !

I started potty training Little when she was about 6 months old.  Now when you have the second one, most of you may agree with me,  you just want to replicate your successes you had with your first one. You see ,Curious trained pretty quickly, I started with her when she about 2.3 years old.  By her 3rd birthday she was night time trained , like 0 diapers  except on long drives!

I got a wee bit ambitious with Little . As soon as she started sitting up, I decided to start her training. First step of course was buying the right potty seat, thankfully this time I knew exactly what I wanted, I had only two criteria should be soft on her butt and damn easy to clean.

I scoured the internet , checked out Facebook groups for  various potty-training-woes  posts  these posts can be super informative and entertaining , checked in with  fellow mommies and  finally zeroed in on  BabyBjörn Smart Potty  4000+ reviews I figured I couldn’t really go wrong with it. It ticked my two needs, soft and easy to clean.

Took a few days to get her comfortable and then we were on! Over the few months we established  a routine and Yes !! we scored pretty much every time! You bet, I was on cloud no. nine. By 1.5 years she was off diapers pretty much for most of the day.

However, while I achieved early success with Little, we didn’t and haven’t yet moved away  from night time diapers!  She’s going to turn 4 very soon like seriously 😑. So much for trying to train her so early!

She just needs to have them on during nights , and No, she doesn’t go in them during the night like ever, But, the days I insists she goes to bed without a diaper , we invariably end up having an accident.

Coming back to our story ,  I recently decided  to stop Little’s nighttime milk  routine , something I had done with Curious too and it worked wonders. Since your bladder isn’t full in the night, you won’t feel the need to go pee pee hopefully.

The thing you should know about Little, she’s a creature of habit and routine. You can’t sway her easily from her established routine .The first night I tried this trick, after dinner we came up to brush, everything was going as per plan when she suddenly realized

Little : “I didn’t drink yet! I’ll have to brush again.”

Me : “Don’t worry its o.k. From today no milk before bed time.” dreading she was going to throw a tantrum.

Confused and shocked, “No but why? I want to drink milk!”

Me: “Its ok, you had some in the evening. From today, we won’t do the night time milk. This way you won’t need to go pee in the bed.”

Tears swelling up in those tiny beads for eyes, she looks at me “If I don’t drink milk , how will I grow ?”  

Me: “What do you mean ?”

Little: “If I don’t drink milk, how will I GROW? I will be not grow big Mamaaaa…! I want to drink my milk!” 

O.M.G, I couldn’t stop laughing ! Oh the things kids say! Poor kid was soo worried about her growth and here I was a evil mommy trying to take one thing from her that would help her grow hahaha. If only I would back in time and record this whole bit. 

Did I succeed? Oh no! Its an up hill climb  but I haven’t give up yet. She forgets I am her MaMa!  . I’ll let you all know how it goes.

How was your potty training experience? I would love to learn your tricks, if any!

7 thoughts on “How will I grow?

  1. What an adorable Little ! She is right 🙂 and mommy is right too ! Nice read, it is nice read. Good to see things from a little ones persective.

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