Am I taking it well?

Am I taking it well?

Alright in 2 days, i have had two people tell me, you really have handled the distance well. I haven’t been sad, brooding or crying about this for good some time now,guess its showing on me 🙂

There are days, when ,I just miss not having him around.But, yes from what it was like 3 months ago, things have been better.

For one, i have started looking beyond the distance.
Two, I have been really trying to connect with lot of people, and there are those, the ones I have mentioned in so many posts,whose company is much fun that I loose track of time!
Three, the self pitying me, doesn’t pity herself anymore, I have never been this positive, energetic and vibrant!
Four, I have been blogging,need I say anything about that now :)?
Five, I am kinda enjoying the being single again LOL , like the other day someone( I bumped into like after ages!) tells me ‘Girls, rarely get this chance, you are soo gonna have fun’.
Six,I have gone back to shopping big time (Oh yeah, I soo totally had stopped shopping for myself!)
Seven,I am in love with myself LOL!! Here is the thing,I always liked me, but off late I love the positive, fun, no hangs, tension nahi lene ka me. LOL!
Eight, there is driving. Love the independence learning driving has bought.I can take my anyone, anywhere, aaram se :)(minus the parking tension, reverse sucks!)

guess I am taking it well he he he (knocking on the wood, lets not jinx this!) There are is so much more that I am yet to start on

1.Finish my online course on (French!)
2.Taking up cooking classes
3.Dance classes
4.Finishing at least one of the two books ‘Fountain Head and Atlas shrugged’

The list is long and will getting bigger by each passing month. Lets stop here.

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