

Nikita(Niki),Rohit,Aaakash (Aki) and their families
Nikita and Rohit were going steady for more than a year now. Nikita a maharastrian and Rohit a tamilian bhramin first met in Reading UK, Nikita was pursuing her post graduation in literature then, Rohit was there with his cadre.

Commoder Iyer always wanted his son’s to join the armed forces. Rohit the youngest of 3 brothers, loved the uniform, the life and joined Army soon after his 12th. It was during his second year that he met Nikita.It wasn’t love at first sight, but eventually they did fall in love.

He and Rohit first met when they were in 8th, both were chosen for school basket ball team. Aakash was now working for an MNC in Mumbai.Over the years, they had become best of buddies.

Niki and Aki, had become friends over the months. Nikita was a typical city girl, bindaas, confident,smart, and very well read. ‘You are lucky get her, don’t screw it up Bro’, he once told Rohit

Iyer’s were fine with the alliance(they didn’t have a choice, he had made himself very clear). Her parents were separated, she lived with her mom. Sunita(Niki’s mom) was worried about her daughter’s marriage. She wanted Niki to settle down soon.

8 months later.Mumbai
Nikita’s happiness knew no bounds. Rohit’s leaves were finally sanctioned! He would be in town for a day, before he left for Chennai to visit his family.It had been 8 months since they had seen each other. Rohit had booked the Officers mess in NWC to spend lone time with her.

Niki: “Ma, there is some important work that has come up suddenly. I will have to stay back”
Sunita:”Niki,I will have to talk to your Boss, if this continues”
Niki:”Don’t worry Ma, I will deal with him, once I finish this one. I promise”
Sunita:””If only you’d agreed, I would be freed from this tension”
Niki:”Please Ma, not again! Can we please talk about this later?.”
Sunita:””ok ok. Please take care of yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow morning”
Niki “Yes ma.I will! Love you loads. good night!

Platform 4, CST station. Rohit Arrives.
Aki had reached there 30 mins earlier, Niki had to rush from office, and made it just on time.

Niki:’Hey! It’s on time right?’
Aki:’I have checked twice.The train should be here any min. Girls!’
Niki:(laughing) ‘You are yet to fall in love!’
Aki:I hope I never do!
Niki:I have been waiting for this moment for 8 months now! I never felt this way about any guy before. Your friend is one lucky guy!’
Aki:(smiling)’Lucky or Unlucky? Only time we tell!’

Rohit’s train touched the platform 5 mins later,PDA was something Niki had got used to during her stay in UK.Aakash ignored the love birds and after dinner ,dropped them off at NWC mess.
It was decided they would meet near CST next morning, as Rohit was to leave by early morning train.

6 am , Next Day. Close to CST
After a quick tea, three of them left for CST. Niki, however didn’t seem her cheerful self. It must be because Rohit was leaving! Thought Aki.Just before boarding the train, Rohit pulled Aki aside
Rohit “Dude, I need a big favor. I can only trust you with this!’
Aki: ‘Anything for you bro, what’s the matter? Is this about Niki? Don’t worry, she’ll be fine!’
Rohit ‘ We didn’t use protection!’
Aki: ‘What?(shocked, speechless)
Last whistle. He was smart, he knew if told earlier, Aki would have definitely given an ear full.None of the pharmacies were open at 6am, after frantically searching for at least one open shop, they had finally decided to ask Aki‘ help

Embarrassed,he continued. ‘Please get her a iPill!’

Niki was scared ‘ We should have been careful, I dont want to get pregnant!’.She watched them from a distance.
Rohit was scared too! Its not that he didn’t trust her, it was the fact that it would be at least 6 months for marriage. They had discussed their plans, and having a baby came much later.

Aki just stood there, staring at the couple. He was speechless.Rohit couldn’t face him, and boarded the train. He assured Niki, that his friend would take of it.

Throughout the ride back, neither of them said a word. He got an ipill and handed it over to her before dropping her back home.
He couldn’t believe it .How could they be so stupid? He failed to comprehend.Two educated friends of his! He understood they were adults and intimacy is integral part of any relationship.However a certain sense of responsibilty and maturity that he lest expected from his friend. He knew why Rohit, hadn’t mentioned at breakfast. Aki would have kicked his butt right there and then!

The Apology
She felt the need to explain herself to Aki. She called him up, later that evening

Niki: ‘Hi.’
Aki: ‘( sarcastic tone)Hey! How are you now?’
Niki: Aki, Please don’t judge us! I know we should be more careful. I am sorry we put you in this situation (almost to tears!)’
Aki: ‘I would have slapped him, If there was enough time! You both are educated ignorants fools, I always thought educated people would make the right choice’ You being a girl, are very well aware of the risks involved!. I just don’t know what to say Niki, I am speechless’
Niki: ‘I know what you mean,we made a mistake. I will be careful next time Aki. Thanks for being there!’

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