It’s my birthday month

It’s my birthday month

Happy February you guys! How are you doing? It’s my birthday month, it’s also the month of LOVE. How amazing is that?

In less than two weeks I will be turning yet another year younger and whole lot more sexier 😂. It’s my birthday I get to decide how old I turn. Am I right or am I right? 😛

It’s another matter that my friends are stalking me everywhere reminding me of my approaching milestone birthday. To be fair I had it coming, I did it to each of them on their birthdays so it’s just payback time for them.

What’s all this rave about milestone birthdays anyways? I have already revealed a bit too much now haven’t I ? 🤦‍♀️

Come on now, It’s perspective that matters the rest is all fluff, wouldn’t you agree ? I have no intention of revealing my age. I am straight up going to deny even if you get it right!

It’s my party, my dance floor and I get to decide the rules, are you joining me or what?

Memorable Birthdays

He hatched a plan

Speaking of birthdays, one of my most memorable birthday is the one when my dearest husband threw me a surprise birthday party in 2011 . Till I turned the knob to our front door and heard the happy screams of ‘surprise ” from friends , I had zilch idea of his plan.

The shock and surprise on my face was one for the books. Oh boy what a night that was!!

He isn’t the one for throwing parties. That’s me . All me. So this birthday holds a special place in my heart . S had been planning it for two weeks I was told much later.I loved everything about of that night, surrounded by friends ,laughing, eating and playing my way into my birthday.

Of course he had lots of help, his main accomplice in crime was none other than my dearest friend Anvita. She and I had spent that Saturday together (just as planned by them). While I was busy shopping, getting a haircut and lunching with Anvita, he was busying prepping the house for the party.

For those 8 hours that we were together Anvita didn’t give me the slightest hint of what was waiting for me at home that evening.

It took a couple of minutes for it to sink in, for a moment I even thought I had entered the wrong house! Then as the shock wore off I recognized the happy gleaming faces staring back at me and they were screaming “Happy Birthday” 😂🎉

This was my first birthday that we were celebrating together in two years since S had left for Calcutta to pursue MBA while I stayed back in Bangalore. He sure made it a special one ❤️, one to remember.

She Hatched A Plan

The second memorable one was in 2016 when Anvita hatched a plan with S to surprise me on my first birthday here in Seattle❤️😄 . She took a red eye from Minneapolis that weekend and reached just in time for my birthday. Surprised I was, well I managed to look surprised LOL.

Well the thing is just a few days before her flight, I chanced upon an email from her, open on our laptop 🤐 and words travel itinerary caught my eye. Of course I spilled the beans much later😛.

We spent my birthday in beautiful town of Leavenworth , my first time in snow , window shopping and exploring the beautiful Bavarian town. It was such a sweet surprise from my dearest friend ❤️.

Some memories from the past

Anvita and I have know each other since 2003 when I first met her in the P.G in Bangalore. I was job hunting and so was she. We bonded over many things, but the thing that sealed the deal was her mother’s aam ka aachar (omg I love pickles).

Over the last 18 years, we have always tried to be there for each other’s birthdays. A day in the year when we celebrate just ourselves, reminding each other that like old wine we just keep getting better with time!

Our friendship deserves a post in itself. So I will stop here for now. One day I’ll tell you all about the sweater and the aam ka aachar that helped us in forging this beautiful bond.

I am just happy that we are already stepped into February. It’s been a busy month for me and I am loving every bit of it. I think turning a year younger is just agreeing with me! Talk to you soon. Until then Be good. Do good.

Be Kind, Whenever possible. It is always possible ~ Dalai Lama

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