It’s not meant to happen

It’s not meant to happen

He was in love with her.  He never let her know how he truly felt about her

As days passed, both of them started working on their final semester project, Samira, her best friend had noticed the change in him, she knew for certain that, as the days to graduation got closer, it would get really difficult for Raghav to hide his true feelings from Meera .

Samira, Meera,Veer and Rahgav had been project mates for all 4 years. Raghav had confided in Veer a long time ago, while Samira was the intuitive one, who trusted her gut instincts.

Raghav was aware, on how, Meera had become cold towards Love, after the episode with the new guy months ago, deep down he already feared that she never thought of him the way he did of her.

One day, Veer and Samira, had Raghav take them out for coffee. They had him spill out his feelings, that day while he spoke to them, Samira realized the intensity of his feelings, the only solution was to let Meera know how he felt. Holding it back anymore, would only hurt him and you never know, just may be, things would take a surprise turn!

Just few days before their project submission Raghav walked up to Meera, “I want to spend some time with you, at our favorite hang out, just the two of us tomorrow”. Meera was surprised “Sure”. Off late his behavior had been playing on her mind, him asking her out, had her a little worried.

“He asked me to meet him alone, you know about this, don’t you?” Meera questioned Veer.
Samira, who was trying hard to pretend, caught Meera’s attention
“Out with Samira, you can’t seriously be hiding stuff from me!”
Samira, wasn’t going to lie to Meera, she had the right to know what she may face the next day. She didn’t say it out right, but very subtly.

“You probably will know why he hasn’t been himself these days” hinting at their discussion on his unusual behavior.

Meera was speechless. Subtle hint gave away to her worst fears. The thought of what would happen the next day had her all nervous the rest of the day. V

Samira had to literally beg Meera to go meet Raghav. Meera was scared, she didn’t want to face her friend, she didn’t want to break his heart, she just wanted to erase this day, the day she may end up hurting one of her close friends.

There was no one in the café except the two of them. He had ordered coffee, which spilled over, he just couldn’t get himself to look her in eyes.

Meera didn’t say a word either, she was dreading the moment he would actually look up.

Good 5 mins of silence later, he looked up, his eyes red, hands trembling “Meera I am in Love with you, I have been in Love for 2 years now “.

She had not seen her friend so vulnerable .Right now, he needed her, the friend to support him. She had to do the right thing.

She put her palm on his trembling hands, “You know I never thought of you this way. I am sorry, I like you, but I am not in love with you”

She thought his hands suddenly went cold. The trembling stopped, tears failed him, not a single tear rolled out. He kept looking down. waiting. waiting for something to happen.

His heart couldn’t take the pain, he was hurting from inside, he wanted to just hold her tight and cry, just let it all out.

She waited, waited for him to say something. For him to yell, scream, talk anything, the silence was killing her.

15 mins later, his eyes were moist “Shall we?”

Few years later, he met her again, they had kept in touch over the years, he knew she was not seeing anyone, that day he asked her out again “Will you marry me?”.

Nothing had changed for Meera. She looked down. He took it with a smile.

A year later, she had met someone, and was going steady. He posed the same question just before she was to get engaged “Do you think, now, after soo many years, somewhere you feel Love for me?”

She was silent. Click. That was the last time she heard from him.

One does not always win, some get lucky in love and some just don’t!

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